Optimizing Your Diet: The Impact of Food Combinations on Nutrient Absorption and Vascular Health

2023-12-05 08:10:46 If you eat eggs with soy milk… the trypsin component in soybeans reduces the nutrients in eggs. Entered 2023.12.05 17:10 Views 13 Entered 2023.12.05 17:10 Modified 2023.12.05 17:05 Views 13 Nuts are beneficial to blood vessel health and help prevent hyperlipidemia and heart disease. However, overeating should be avoided. [사진=클립아트코리아] There are probably … Read more

Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Best Foods and Practices for Quality Sleep

2023-12-03 09:11:19 To get a good night’s sleep… Eat lightly and avoid spicy foods, chocolate, high-carbohydrate foods, etc. Entered 2023.12.03 18:10 Views 69 Entered 2023.12.03 18:10 Modified 2023.12.03 01:54 Views 69 There are many foods that are said to be good for a good night’s sleep. One of the representative foods is banana. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Bananas have … Read more

Enhancing Health with Old Pumpkin and Strong Soybean Paste: Tips and Recipes

2023-11-30 07:14:19 Old pumpkin, bronchial-lung protective properties… synergistic effect with strong soybean paste, which is rich in cancer-preventing properties Entered 2023.11.30 16:09 Views 169 Entered 2023.11.30 16:09 Modified 2023.11.30 16:19 Views 169 The combination of old pumpkin and strong soybean paste can increase health effects. However, it is best to make it not too salty. … Read more

How Much Vitamin D Does the Body Actually Need? Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Requirements Explained

2023-11-28 02:00:33 Vitamin D is produced by the body itself with the help of the sun. But how much vitamin D does the body actually need and how long should you stay in the sun? The body needs vitamin D to utilize calcium and phosphorus well and thus contributes to healthy bones, teeth and muscles. … Read more

Essential Vitamins for Aging Well: A Guide to Nutrition After 50

2023-11-26 21:29:04 As we age, the body undergoes transformations that require special attention to nutrition. After age 50, certain vitamins become crucial for maintaining health and preventing age-related diseases. Food, physical activity and mental health care become more essential than ever to enjoy this stage of life with well-being and vitality. Vitamin D is one … Read more