Controversy Surrounding Australian Couple’s Mansion: Missing Half of House’s Contents

2023-10-13 14:05:44 An Australian couple acquired a mansion, only to find that half of the house’s contents were missing. (Picture/reproduced from LMCT+IG) Winning the lottery should be a happy event, but an Australian couple received a mansion worth 1.4 million pounds (approximately NT$55 million). Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the scene, they found that half … Read more

Controversial Mansion Acquisition: Australian Couple Discover Missing Contents Worth Millions

2023-10-13 14:05:44 An Australian couple acquired a mansion, only to find that half of the house’s contents were missing. (Picture/reproduced from LMCT+IG) Winning the lottery should be a happy event, but an Australian couple received a mansion worth 1.4 million pounds (approximately NT$55 million). Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the scene, they found that half … Read more

Saturday is the make-up day to welcome the autumnal equinox! The 3 zodiac signs will have huge fortunes in the next week. “You will definitely win every prize” when you go out and pick up money | Lifestyle | CTWANT

2023-09-19 10:13:33 The autumnal equinox is coming. (Image/Pexels) Saturday (23rd) is the “autumn equinox” in the 24 solar terms. Like the spring equinox, it is the day and night of the same length in the year. After that, the days in the northern hemisphere begin to become shorter and the nights longer, and the temperature … Read more