Venezuelan Navy Intensifies Presence in Border Area amid Tensions with Guyana: ‘Essequibo is Ours’ Workouts

2024-05-14 12:39:14

Amid rising tensions with Guyana over the border area of Essequibo, the Bolivarian Nationwide Armed Forces (FANB) of Venezuela have intensified their navy presence within the space with patrols and a mixed train referred to as “Essequibo is ours”.

In line with official reviews, the Venezuelan Navy has carried out maneuvers in current days in Turiamo Bay, Aragua State, with the participation of the Marine Infantry and the accompaniment of Admiral Neil Villanvs, a naval authority who supervised the actions along with the naval forces of the Bolivarian Navy College of Venezuela.

These actions are a part of the “Essequibo is our” navy workouts, a transparent present of energy by Caracas within the space in battle with neighboring Guyana. The top of the FANB Strategic Operational Command, Basic Domingo Hernández Lárez, shared photographs of troops patrolling the Essequibo area, with a powerful message: “#FANB patrolling our state of Guayana Esequiba! Sovereignty is just not negotiated, it’s exercised!”

The Venezuelan navy deployment on the border is available in response to the current overflight of US F-18 fighter jets in Guyanese airspace, a incontrovertible fact that Caracas thought of a provocation that threatens regional peace.

It could curiosity you: The Venezuelan military deploys armored items on the border with Guyana

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