[경제]Consumption decreased for the third month, production increased by 0.5%…”Economic sluggishness continues”


Consumption fell by more than 2% in January, continuing the downward trend for three consecutive months.

Although production increased slightly, it is evaluated that it was not enough to reverse the sluggish economic flow.

This is Reporter Lee Hyeong-won.


Consumption has declined for three months in a row.

The retail sales index in January decreased by 2.1% from December.

Consumption of durable goods such as cars decreased due to delayed shipments of electric vehicles, and sales of semi-durable goods such as clothing plummeted in warm weather.

In addition, consumption of non-durable goods such as groceries and cosmetics fell by nearly 2%.

Facility investment also decreased for two months in a row, contributing to a decline in the index showing the current economy for the fourth month.

While the semiconductor slump continued, industrial production increased slightly as production of communication equipment and automobiles increased.

It was an increase in four months, but it was not enough to reverse the sluggish game flow.

[김보경 / 통계청 경제동향통계심의관 : 서비스업 생산도 높은 수준을 유지하며 전산업 생산이 4개월 만에 증가 전환하였습니다. 다만, 최근의 부진한 흐름을 되돌리는 수준까지는 미치지 못하였고….]

The government also diagnosed that the increase in industrial production was positive, but economic uncertainty was high due to a decrease in retail sales.

[추경호 / 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 내수지표가 다소 주춤하는 가운데, 수출부진이 지속하면서 향후 경기 흐름의 불확실성이 높은 상황입니다. 반도체 경기의 반등이 없이는 당분간 수출 회복에 제약이 불가피한….]

In fact, the index that predicts future economic trends also fell from a month ago, showing a downward trend for 7 consecutive months.

This is YTN Lee Hyeong-won.

YTN Hyungwon Lee (lhw90@ytn.co.kr)

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