▷ #VIDEO #ImpulsoSaludable Know the symptoms of post-COVID-19 anxiety #17Ago

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) psychological pathologies have increased during the coronavirus pandemic.

The psychologist Andreina Laguna told El Impulso that one of these pathologies is anxiety post-COVID-19 that occurs when people present certain symptoms associated with mental health.

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“The COVID-19 infection It has wreaked havoc on people’s mental health, leaving certain symptoms such as tremors, generalized anxiety and depression as consequences. 50% of the treatment depends on pharmacological responsibility and the other 50% is work through psychotherapy”, said Laguna.

The specialist pointed out, in our section #HealthyImpulsethat the main prevention of these psychological pathologies is physical health care, nutrition, and “knowing what we are exposing ourselves to”.

“We have normalized the symptoms of anxiety and have not sought help in a timely manner. When they feel some symptoms, be it procrastination, tremors, hyperventilation or panic attacks, they should go to the treating doctors so that they can be directed”, manifested.

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