[경제]2030 Seoul apartment purchases on the rise again… What is the background?

Although the overall sales volume has decreased, inquiries from young people continue
“2030, looking for ‘quick sale’ sales, not quick sales”
“Some Effects of First Home Buyer Loan Deregulation”


The share of Seoul apartment purchases in 2030, which bought a lot of apartments during the rising house price, has turned to an increasing trend again.

Some analyze that it is because of the deregulation of first-time home buyer loans, but there are also opinions that it is a temporary phenomenon and needs to be watched more.

This is reporter Choi Ki-seong.


This is a 1,700-unit apartment complex in Nowon-gu, Seoul.

This is where 2030 purchases flocked until the real estate market entered a recession.

As house prices fell, the overall sales volume decreased, but it was found that inquiries from young people continued.

It is mainly looking for so-called ‘quick sale’ sales, not rush sales.

[공인중개사 (서울 상계동) : 젊은 사람들이 오는데 금리가 워낙 비싸잖아요. 전화는 오는데 아직 그렇게 계약하지는 않았고 지금 완전히 바닥이라 싼데 그거보다 더 싼 거를 원해요.]

Looking at the recent statistics on apartment purchases in Seoul, the proportion of people in their 20s and 30s increased despite the transaction drought.

Of the total transaction volume of 856 apartments in Seoul in September, 2030 purchases accounted for 297 cases, accounting for 34.7%.

Compared to 28.6% in August, it increased significantly, and is the highest record in four months since last May.

The proportion of Nowon-gu and Dobong-gu, where apartment prices fell sharply, increased by around 20% in September compared to August.

In particular, Dobong-gu’s September 2030 purchase rate is the largest monthly figure since 2019, when statistics by age group began to be published.

It is interpreted that some consumers with purchasing power started to buy as the mortgage acceptance ratio and LTV of first-time home buyers eased to 80% from August.

[이은형 / 대한건설정책연구원 연구위원 : 미국의 기준금리 인상 같은 외부 요인으로 주택가격이 조정받는 시기에, 생애 최초 주택 구입자들에 대한 대출 한도가 확대되면서, 저가 주택을 중심으로 2030의 매수 수요가 증가하는 것으로 판단할 수 있습니다.]

However, it is difficult to say for sure whether this trend will continue in the future.

[여경희 / 부동산R114 수석연구원 : DSR(총부채원리금상환비율)규제 적용으로 상대적으로 소득 수준이 낮은 젊은 층은 대출 가능한 금액이 크지 않고, 금리 인상과 경기 부진에 따른 집값 하락 우려가 여전한 상황이라 거래 증가는 제한적일 것으로 판단됩니다.]

Although the share of purchases by a specific age group is an important indicator for examining market demand, it seems that we need to look at the trend for about six months after deregulation as it could be an increase due to seasonal factors such as the moving season.

This is Choi Ki-seong from YTN.

YTN Choi Ki-seong ([email protected])

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