[경제]6% inflation pressure now… Greater fear of ‘stagflation’


As the consumer price index surpassed the 5% level last month and the growth forecast fell to the 2% level, fears of stagflation are gradually increasing amid the economic downturn.

There is also a forecast that the consumer price index could exceed 6% in June and July.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the sidewalk.


The rate of inflation in recent months has been literally staggering.

In October last year, the consumer price inflation rate exceeded 3%,

It entered the 4% range in six months, and rose to the mid-5% level in three months.

This is the highest rate of increase in nearly 14 years.

In particular, the cost of living, which consumers are sensitive to, rose by 6.7%.

[이경화 / 경기 부천시 소사동 : 수입은 그대로인데, 오히려 더 하락이 됐는데, 물가는 더 오르다 보니까 뭐 사는 게 선뜻, 사는 것도 생각을 먼저 해야 하고 이번에 안 사고 다음에 살까 미루기도 하죠.]

The Bank of Korea predicted that the inflation rate of 5% will continue in June and July.

The government and the Bank of Korea predict that international oil and food prices will remain high, and inflation will continue to expand due to the recovery of the domestic economy following the lifting of social distancing.

[추경호 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관(지난 2일) : 당분간 5%대의 소비자 물가 상승이 지속할 것으로 전망됩니다. 민생 안정을 위해서는 당면한 최우선 과제가 물가 안정입니다.]

Economists are not ruling out inflation of around 6% in June or July.

Amid the high inflation, economic uncertainty is growing.

In April, domestic production, consumption and investment decreased all at once, showing a ‘triple decrease’ for the first time in two years and two months.

The International Monetary Fund and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lowered Korea’s economic growth forecast for this year to 2.5% from the previous 3.0% and the Bank of Korea to 2.7%.

[성태윤 / 연세대 경제학과 교수 : 현재 물가 상승이 심화하는 가운데 경기침체도 악화하고 있어 스태그플레이션이 진행 중인 상황이고요. 물가 제어를 위한 기준금리 인상은 불가피하지만, 이를 통해서 제어할 수 있는 데는 한계가 있는 것으로 생각됩니다.]

The government is expected to present revised economic forecasts in the ‘New Government Economic Policy Direction’ to be announced this month.

This is YTN Oh In-seok.

YTN Oh In-seok ([email protected])

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