[경제]A storm after remarks on “restraint to raise wages”… If you catch a salary, will you catch the price?

Employees hate it… “Transfer the sacrifice to the wage earner”
The online community is also noisy… “Government takes the salary from the start”
“Large wage hikes at large corporations drive overall worker salaries to rise”
“External factors in high inflation… have limited impact on suppression of wage increase”

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After the remarks of Deputy Prime Minister Choo Kyung-ho to refrain from raising the wages of workers at large corporations, the backlash is fierce.

In particular, there is a strong objection from office workers that everything has gone up except for their salaries, but reporter Yoon Hae-ri looked at how some companies’ restraint from raising wages could affect inflation.


[추경호 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관(지난달 28일) : 우리 경제의 어려움을 감안해서 경영계에서는 과도한 임금인상을 자제해주시고….]

Deputy Prime Minister Chu’s remarks aroused strong opposition from office workers.

It was intended that the wage increases of large companies could fuel the steep rise in prices, but now that all but salaries have already risen, there are voices asking why they pass the sacrifice on to ‘salaried workers’.

[익명 / 직장인 : 정부가 물가 오르는 걸 해결해야 하는데, 저희 월급이나 연봉으로 해결하려는 게 좀 아닌 거 같아요.]

[익명 / 직장인 : 왜 물가를 잡는다고 국민을 괴롭히느냐….]

Even in online communities, you can easily find articles that claim to start with the salary of an office worker.

However, there is an analysis that the wage increase of some large companies can lead to an increase in the wages of all workers, leading to an overall inflation.

[이정환 / 한양대 경제금융학부 교수 : 대기업 노동자들 임금이 오르면 바로 밑에 기업들도 인플레이션 압력과 대기업 근로 조건에 따라 임금을 올릴 인센티브가 생기게 됩니다. 인플레이션 압력을 심하게 할 수 있는 기재가 될 수 있습니다.]

Earlier this year, the Korea Employers’ Federation also recommended that large companies raise wages to a minimum level due to rapid inflation and bridging social gaps earlier this year.

However, given that the current high inflation is largely due to external causes such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there are many forecasts that suppression of wage increases may have a limited effect on inflation.

It is better to leave the wage contract to the autonomy between labor and management.

[성태윤 / 연세대 경제학과 교수 : 임금 인상이 물가 인상으로 이어지는 악순환에 빠지지 않도록 한다는 취지는 이해할 수 있지만, 임금 자체는 기업과 근로자 간에 자율적으로 결정될 수 있도록 하는 부분이 더욱 중요할 거로 생각됩니다.]

The government’s ability to solve the price problem has been put to the test amidst great demand from workers to raise wages as much as the rising price level.

This is YTN Haeri Yoon.

YTN Haeri Yoon ([email protected])

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