[국제]Severe shortage of supplies in Ukraine… It’s like a touch of kindness to the refugees

Establishment of a refugee transit center near the Polish-Ukraine border
Connections to transportation, accommodations, etc. to the places the refugees want
Psemisil High School used as a temporary accommodation facility for 100 refugees
Lack of essential supplies such as gasoline and gas in Ukraine


As the Russian military bombards civilian areas and intensifies the war, in neighboring Poland, children and adults alike are giving a lot of strength to help the refugees.

As the supply shortage in Ukraine is getting worse, the livelihood of the people is expected to become more difficult if the war is prolonged.

Correspondent Seung-yoon Lee in the Polish border city of Psemisil.


A transit center for refugees has been set up near the Medica checkpoint on the Polish-Ukraine border.

It connects the refugees with transportation to where they want to go, lodging facilities available, and also serves as a hospital.

Ukrainian refugees who have crossed over to Poland through the Medica checkpoint arrive here at the huge transit center.

As you can see right now, tons of items and food can be taken away for free.

It is the kindness that Polish citizens have gathered for Ukrainian refugees in just two days.

The high school gymnasium in downtown Psemisil has become a temporary accommodation facility where more than 100 Ukrainian refugees who have crossed the border to escape the war since last week eat and sleep.

Poles have gone out of their way to help Ukrainian refugees, young and old.

[토마스 주마크 / 프셰미실 고등학교 체육관 : 원래 75개의 침상을 준비했는데, 더 많은 인원이 올 것을 대비했습니다.]

[수잔나 / 폴란드 어린이 : 우리 물건들을 기부하러 왔어요. 도와드리고 싶어서요.]

The Ukrainian refugees, who did not even have time to properly pack their bags, expressed their gratitude.

[리햅 / 모로코 출신 우크라이나 의대생 피란민 : (급하게 피난 오느라) 옷도 없고, 돈도, 아무것도 없어요.]

[핫산 (가명) / 모로코 출신 우크라이나 의대생 피란민 : 폴란드와 유럽인들 모두 고마워요. 저희의 생존권을 위해 전쟁을 멈춰주세요.]

After the Russian invasion, it was confirmed that the supplies necessary for daily life, such as gasoline and gas, were in short supply in Ukraine.

[이브라힘 / 알바니아 출신 우크라이나 치대생 : 휘발유 공급량이 매우 제한적이에요. 가스도 마찬가지고요. 기회만 되면 주유를 하려고 했는데 물자가 슬슬 부족해지네요.]

The city was well-polished, but theft was rampant in the outskirts.

[아이유 / 모로코 출신 우크라이나 의대생 : 돈과 전화기를 도둑 맞아서 숲에서 자는데 너무 추웠어요. 그래도 우린 포기하지 않았어요.]

It has been confirmed that there is still room for food in Ukraine.

However, the refugees are earnestly praying for an end to the war as soon as possible, saying that if the war is prolonged, there may also be a shortage of food.

So far, this is Seungyoon Lee from YTN in the Polish border town of Psemisil.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon ([email protected])

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