[국제]The new city ‘Shiong’an’ dreamed of by ‘The Emperor Shi Huang’… A long-term rule?


Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has virtually confirmed his third term, continues to say that he is aiming for a long term in office for more than 10 years.

The project to build a new city in Xiong’an, a ‘Xi Jinping Special Zone’, which is targeted to be completed in 2035, is also suggested as a basis, but attention is focused on the background as there is no mention of it at this time of the party congress.

This is Beijing Correspondent Kang Jeong-gyu.


A large-scale civil engineering work is in full swing on a deserted field outside Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.

This is the ‘Xion’an New District’ under construction with the aim of dispersing the ‘non-capital functions’ of Beijing, which is saturated.

As a new city project following Deng Xiaoping’s Shenzhen and Jiang Zemin’s Pudong, it is also called ‘Xi Jinping Special Zone’.

[중국 관영 CCTV 보도 (2017년 4월) : 시진핑 동지를 핵심으로 하는 당 중앙위원회가 내린 중대한 역사적 전략적 선택이며, ‘천년대계’이자 ‘국가대사’입니다.]

When the high-speed rail was opened in December 2020, Beijing and Xiong’an New District were tied together as a daily living area.

If the big picture linking Tianjin to Tianjin is realized, the history of ‘thousand-year-old’ Beijing will be rewritten.

The goal of completing the super-large plan, which will cost more than 400 trillion won, coincides with the realization of ‘Chinese-style modernization’, which was first mentioned by President Xi Jinping at the 20th Party Congress in 2035.

This is a passage that shows the ambition of the Emperor Shi Huang, aiming for a long-term rule for more than 10 years.

[시진핑 / 중국 공산당 총서기 (지난 16일) : 사회주의 현대화 국가를 전면적으로 건설하고 중화민족의 위대한 부흥을 전면적으로 추진하기 위하여 단결하고 분투합시다!]

However, there are concerns that the company’s relocation and investment attraction may be sluggish, resulting in a ‘dragon head’.

Like Hu Jintao’s Tianjin Binhai New Area, we can follow the path of failure.

At the 20th Party Congress, the CCP did not comment on the new town of Xiong’an.

My name is Jeonggyu Kang from YTN in Beijing.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu (live@ytn.co.kr)

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