[김한준 기자의 e게임] Bayonetta 3, 12 head-to-head action to enjoy on Nintendo Switch

Since its first release in 2009, Bayonetta’s third work, which has solidified its position among action game fans by introducing two works, was released on October 28th.

The Bayonetta series is a game that is characterized by conveying a unique sensibility by matching the B-grade sensibility that causes laughter by being overly stylish and the speedy action.

The scenes where two serious rivals suddenly have a sexy dance showdown or the scene where the main character pole dances to jazz music in the ending staff are serious are elements that reveal the characteristics of the Bayonetta series.

Released on the Nintendo Switch, Bayonetta 3 is a game that diversifies the action system a bit and maximizes directing. The unique character of the newly added character also attracts attention.

In particular, since it is an action game, the development of action is highly welcome. With the addition of the monster summoning system, the fun of directly controlling the beast, and the addition of the skill tree induce various forms of play, so you can enjoy a battle that is definitely different from the previous work.

The active use of mini-game elements that add elements from other genres is also eye-catching. Each element is something I’ve tried in other games, but all of those elements are combined into one game, and each scene has a strong directing, giving a different kind of fun.

The unique character is still there. Previously, Bayonetta focused on revealing her cynical appearance, but this time, she also shows a somewhat human appearance, providing existing fans with the fun of observing it.

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However, due to the limited performance of the device called Nintendo Switch, it is regrettable that frame drops become severe or characters appear rough.

Of course, since it is a game developed with investment from Nintendo, it is natural for it to be released on the Nintendo Switch, but since the directing itself is a charming game, I can’t help but feel that I want to taste it with more colorful graphics.

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