[사회]Disability and non-disabled coexistence experiment… Oullim Plaza, the first shovel


In Korea, there are not many spaces where disabled and non-disabled people can share convenience facilities or interact in cultural facilities.

It is noteworthy that a complex facility for the disabled and non-disabled recently opened its first shovel, and whether it will become a test stage for coexistence.

This is a report by Ahn Dong-jun, a reporter.


Insert the thin buds into the sponge.

After filling the square growing plate with hemp sprouts, move the plate larger than the body to the growing room.

“(How many days did you plant this?) September 7th.”

This is where Ha Seul-gi, a developmentally disabled person, receives vocational training.

Working in the same space with non-disabled employees, I am learning about work and social life.

Seulgi, who has a severe developmental disability and has been working here for about half a year.

They work a little slowly, but as a result, there is not much difference between them and non-disabled people.

[최정원 / 해피팜 협동조합 대표 : 사실 장애인들하고 접해보지는 않았잖아요. 그래서 이런 거에 대한 약간의 거리감이 있지 않을까 이런 걸 굉장히 걱정했고…. (지금은) 조금 천천히 할 뿐이지 일하는 데는 불편함이 없고요.]

As such, the number of spaces where disabled and non-disabled people work together is gradually increasing.

However, it is difficult to find a space for sharing convenience facilities or cultural exchange other than work.

Discussions on the establishment of ‘Oulim Plaza’, where disabled and non-disabled people can use convenient and cultural facilities such as swimming pools, libraries, and performance halls together, started in 2015.

In the meantime, there has been a lot of opposition because it is a facility for the disabled, and the safety issue of the commuting route has been raised, but only two months ago, construction began.

[이은자 / 강서퍼스트잡지원센터장 : 초반에는 장애인 시설이 들어온다고 했을 때 현수막도 걸리고 했어요. 백석초 학부모님들이 가장 크게 반발하는 거는 안전한 통학로가 확보되지 않았다는 것 때문에 반발을 굉장히 심하게 하고 계시는 거죠.]

It took a long time to open the first shovel, but the expectations are high.

[이은자 / 강서퍼스트잡지원센터장 : 일상에서 자꾸만 만나는 경험을 해야지 저는 인식 개선이 될 거라고 생각을 해요. 그래서 어울림플라자가 상징적으로 그 중심에서 역할을 해주었으면 하는 바람이 있어요.]

Above all, it seems necessary to recognize that if we can work together over discrimination and prejudice, it will help the development of the community.

This is Dongjun Ahn from YTN.

YTN Dongjun Ahn ([email protected])

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