[사회]’No Mask’ new semester starts in 3 years… Quarantine test bed in low vaccination rate

Today, for the first time in three years, elementary, middle, and high schools across the country begin a new semester of ‘No Mask’.

In addition, a face-to-face entrance ceremony will be held for the first time in four years since 2019.

While the number of confirmed cases is expected to increase somewhat after school starts, the quarantine against Corona 19 has once again been put to the test.

Look at the screen.

You can wear a mask voluntarily at school or kindergarten.

The obligation to check fever or install food partitions has also disappeared.

However, it is the policy of the Ministry of Education for each school to autonomously set quarantine guidelines in consideration of the infection situation.

However, just like when using public transportation, you must wear a mask when using a school bus or school bus.

The Ministry of Education is running a ‘special support period for school quarantine’ for two weeks from today.

We plan to reduce the burden on schools by supporting staff dedicated to quarantine.

In addition, classroom ventilation must be done at least three times a day for at least 10 minutes each time, and frequently touched objects such as desks must be disinfected at least once a day.

The quarantine authorities are keeping a close eye on the trend of Corona 19 right after the new school year amid low vaccination rates for infants and children and adolescents.

Hear it for yourself.

[임숙영 / 중앙방역대책본부 상황총괄단장 (2월 22일) : 실내 마스크 착용 의무 조정 이후에 맞게 되는 첫 학기이기 때문에 기대감도 있지만, 경계심도 드는 것이 사실입니다. 이제까지의 유행 상황을 되짚어봤을 때 새 학기가 시작되는 3월 초부터 4월까지는 확진자가 다소 늘어나는 경향이 있었습니다. 그렇지만 실내 환기와 손 씻기 등 생활방역수칙을 잘 지켜주시고, 의심증상이 있다면 대면 접촉을 삼가고 신속한 검사와 적절한 치료를 받으면 중증으로 진행되지 않고 코로나 감염을 이겨낼 수 있을 것으로 보고 있습니다.]

YTN Kim Joon-young ([email protected])

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