[오늘의 운세] Thursday, April 21, 2022 (Gapjin Day, March 21 of the lunar calendar)

[Gyeongnam Yonhap Daily]’Today’s Fortune’ April 21, 2022Sunday Thursday (Gapjin Day, March 21st of the lunar calendar)

▶Rat – 1948 (戊子): When you go out, your body is happy. 1960 (庚子): Lightning strikes in the dry sky. Go out with caution. 1972 (壬子): Don’t fall for temptation, be insensitive. 1984 (甲子): There is a gentleman in the family. Be prepared. 1996 (丙子): Pay attention to bladder and kidney health.

▶So – 1949 (己丑): It is better to organize dangerous relationships. 1961 (辛丑): If you are greedy, you will not get it. 1973 (癸丑): You cannot be satisfied with one drink of rice. 1985 (乙丑): It’s a day of unsafe seats. 1997 (丁丑): Interpersonal relationships are fortunate to be resolved in the afternoon.

▶ Tiger – 1950 (庚寅): Change the atmosphere in the room. 1962 (壬寅): Change your image by transforming it. 1974 (甲寅): It can be difficult to change the environment. 1986 (丙寅): Painful and happy days pass. 1998 (戊寅): There is a great danger in forgetting reality.

▶Rabbit – 1951 (辛卯): Your child’s argument is strong, so let’s talk about it. 1963 (癸卯): A day to quietly think alone. 1975 (乙卯): Broaden your horizons today. 1987 (丁卯): Radical ideas lose focus. 1999 (己卯): The idea of ​​a single fire general is dangerous.

▶For – 1952 (壬辰): Never hurry. there is gossip 1964 (甲辰): Unplanned expenses may arise. 1976 (丙辰): A period of carefully getting to know each other. 1988 (戊辰): I can’t wait forever. 2000 (庚辰): A day with hope. Be patient.

▶Snake – 1941 (辛巳): If you climb a high place, you will get injured. 1953 (癸巳): I have good news from a friend. 1965 (乙巳): Money causes worries. 1977 (丁巳): Someone you want to see may contact you. 1989 (己巳): You have an accident or become ill.

▶ Horse – 1942 (壬午): Even if you are busy and busy, your heart is happy. 1954 (甲午): Self-righteous words become the root. 1966 (丙午): Don’t provoke your spouse’s feelings. 1978 (戊午): Be careful because surprises can happen. 1990 (庚午): A day in need of emotional control.

▶Yang – 1943 (癸未): You can remove a stone with a rolled in stone. 1955 (乙未): Rice is a medicine, so eat slowly. pretend 1967 (丁未): A sense of entitlement doesn’t help. 1979 (己未): Take care of yourself emotionally. 1991 (辛未): A tree with many branches does not have a good wind.

▶Monkey – 1944 (甲申): You don’t know how to get your clothes wet in the drizzle. 1956 (丙申): We need to cooperate rather than step forward. 1968 (戊申): Don’t drink too much and take care of your health. 1980 (庚申): Offended by unnecessary encounters. 1992(壬申): There are rumors of gossip at work.

▶Chicken – 1945 (乙酉): Earn like a dog and spend like a regular. 1957 (丁酉): A day when people’s popularity rises. 1969 (己酉): It is warm outside, but a cold wind blows inside the house. 1981 (辛酉): Bright energy flows. 1993 (癸酉): It is disadvantageous to go far. home early.

▶Dog – 1946 (丙戌): Make a plan that is feasible. 1958 (戊戌): We need sincerity rather than pretense. 1970 (庚戌): It is beneficial to take advantage of the people around you. 1982(壬戌): Requires a posture to stand back and watch. 1994 (甲戌): Take care of your expenses with meticulous management.

▶Pig – 1947 (丁亥): A quarrel arises between close friends. 1959 (己亥): Complement your strengths with compliments. 1971 (辛亥): Do not overextend your business. 1983 (癸亥): If you think it is mine, you are mistaken. 1995 (乙亥): There is a close relationship.

Doctor of Oriental Studies Heo San Soon-ok Shin

☎010-6566-7679, www.Malgeum Family Psychological Counseling Center.kr

/ Gyeongnam Yeonhap Ilbo [email protected]

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