[전국]All roofs of the Daegu factory are replaced with solar panels… 3 trillion won invested


A project to replace factory roofs, which cover 15% of Daegu’s urban area, with solar panels will begin next year.

Hanwha Asset Management plans to form a consortium and invest 3 trillion won to produce 1.5 GW of electricity annually, equivalent to 1.5 nuclear power plants.

Reporter Lee Yoon-jae reports.


The Seongseo Industrial Complex that flows along the Geumho River.

The factories that fill the industrial complex are all covered with blue or gray roofs.

A project to convert these roofs into solar panels will begin next year.

When solar panels and power grids are installed in 21 industrial complexes in Daegu, 1.5 gigawatts of electricity will be generated annually.

At the same time, it is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 950,000 tons per year and increase the electricity self-sufficiency rate from 17% to 30%.

[이종헌 / 대구광역시 정책총괄단장 : 전력 자급률을 현재 17.1%에서 30%로 상승시키는 효과가 있습니다. 지역 업체가 시공에 참여함으로써 앞으로 3년간 약 1조 원의 효과가….]

The total investment cost is 3 trillion won.

Hanwha Asset Management creates a fund and pays for it, and most major domestic solar power facility manufacturers participate.

The plan is to earn stable profits for the next 20 years by selling the generated electricity to KEPCO or power generation companies.

[최재황 / 한화자산운용 신재생에너지파트장 : 저희가 하는 일이 돈을 모아서 안정적인 곳에 투자하는 것이기 때문에…. 투자함에 있어서 사업성 분석 이런 걸 철저히 하고요. 대구시 재정 지원 부담 없이….]

The goal of Daegu City is to solve multiple problems at the same time, such as carbon emissions and replacement of old slate roofs.

[홍준표 / 대구광역시장 : 대구 탄소 중립 방안에 대해서 깊은 고민이 있었고 도심 면적의 15%에 달하는 산업단지 공간 활용과 노후 슬레이트 석면 문제를 동시에 해결하는 방안이….]

A project to change the roof, which is part of the building, may lead to a dispute over ownership, but the policy is to resolve this by changing the industrial complex management regulations.

Attention is focusing on whether the rosy outlook can be realized by increasing the participation rate of companies in industrial complexes.

This is YTN Lee Yoon-jae.

YTN Yoonjae Lee ([email protected])

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