???? A gigantic tree of 102 meters discovered in the deepest canyon in the world

2023-06-23 06:00:05

A newly discovered cypress tree in China rises to an impressive height of 102 meters.
Asia’s tallest cypress has been discovered in a gorge in China
Image: Peking University

In May, a research team from the University (A university is an institution of higher education whose objective is the…) of Beijing (Beijing (or Beijing) (??; pinyin: B?ij?ng Listen to the pronunciation…) discovered this giant in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon Nature Reserve, located in Bome County, Nyingchi City, in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. he species (from the Latin species, “type”…) of the cypress remains uncertain, suggested as a Himalayan cypress (Cupressus torulosa) or a Tibetan cypress (Cupressus gigantea). the tallest in Asia was a yellow meranti (Shorea faguetiana) 101 meters in height (Height has several meanings depending on the area covered.) in the valley (A valley is a geographical depression generally in the shape of…) of Danum , in Sabah, Malaysia The Tibet region has a unique ecosystem, which is increasingly influenced by development and global climate change. However, conservation efforts have been put in place to protect the flora and fauna.

The team discovered an 83-meter-tall fir tree in southwest China in May of the last year, and another 77-meter tree in Medog County a month earlier. With drones, lasers and radar equipment, they mapped the trees in the area and identified their heights above the ground.

This full image shows the gigantic cypress from top to bottom.
Image: Peking University

After several days of prospecting, the cypress was discovered and confirmed as the tallest tree in Asia. Using drones, a 3D laser scanner and lidar technology, they created a 3D model of the huge tree, providing dimensions (In common sense, the notion of dimension refers to the size; the dimensions of a part…) precise.

Guo Qinghua, a professor at the Institute of Remote Sensing (Remote sensing is, in its broadest sense, the measurement or acquisition…) of Peking University, said the tree is interesting because its roots of support are not completely buried. The tree also has a complex branching system that provides ideal microclimates and habitats for certain endangered plants and animals.

A 3D image showing the cypress.
Image: Peking University

The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon holds the title of the deepest canyon in the world. Stretching for a considerable distance of more than 500 kilometers, its depth reaches nearly 6,000 meters at its deepest point. Dug over time by the powerful waters of the Yarlung Tsangpo river (in French-speaking hydrography, a river is a watercourse that flows into the sea or…), this monumental canyon offers remarkable biological diversity, attracting attention of researchers and nature enthusiasts around the world. Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon Nature Reserve was established in 1988.

The tree currently known to be the tallest in the world is a 116-meter-tall, approximately 800-year-old Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) located in California’s Redwood National Park, nicknamed Hyperion. Last year, the United States Park Service restricted public access to Hyperion following damage caused by visitors.

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