???? Horned Parrot – Definition and Explanations

2023-08-06 17:39:18


Horned Parakeet Classification (COI) Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Sous-embr. Vertebrata Class Aves Order Psittaciformes Family Psittacidae Subfamily Psittacinae Genus Eunymphicus Binomial name
(Gmelin, 1788) Statute de conservation IUCN :

VU C2a(ii): Vulnerable

The Horned Parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus) is one of two species of parakeets in the genus Eunymphicus.


It is characterized by a crest formed by two long black feathers worn backwards. This bird (A bird (or class Aves) is a tetrapod animal belonging to the phylum…) measures 32 to 35 cm for a mass (The term mass is used to designate two sizes attached to a…) about 200g. Its plumage is essentially green (Green is a complementary color corresponding to light which has a wavelength…) with a black mask and a red forehead (The color red responds to different definitions, depending on the chromatic system of which we do…). The flight feathers and rectrices are blue (Blue (from the old high German “blao” = brilliant) is one of the three colors…) black. The eyes are orange. She is loud

It lives in couple or in small group seeking its food made of seeds and fruits in the canopy (The canopy is the upper floor of the forest, in direct contact with…).


It inhabits the wet forests of New Caledonian pines, especially of the Agathis and Araucaria genera (The Araucaria genus is one of the 3 genera of the Araucariaceae family called…).


It is endemic in New Caledonia (New Caledonia is an archipelago of Oceania located in the Pacific Ocean…).


The current species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”) ”Eunymphicus cornutus results from the splitting of the old species which had two subspecies into two different species , the second being Eunymphicus uvaeensis


Mario (D.) & Conzo (G.), Le grand livre des Parroquets, Editions de Vecchi, Paris (Paris is a French city, capital of France and the capital of the region…), 2004.


It reaches its peak (A peak (from the Greek apogeios: far from the earth; apo: far + gê:…) in November and December. The female (In biology, female (from the Latin “femella”, small woman, young woman) is the…) lays 2 to 4 eggs in the hollow of a tree (A tree is a terrestrial plant capable of developing by itself in height, in…) but generally 2 young only manage to the flight.

#Horned #Parrot #Definition #Explanations

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