???? Steller Sea Lion

2023-09-30 18:40:52


Steller’s sea lion Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subembr. Vertebrata Class Mammalia Subclass Theria Infraclass Eutheria Order Carnivora Suborder Caniformia Family Otariidae Genus Eumetopias
Gill, 1866 Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from…) Eumetopias jubatus
(Schreber, 1776) Geographical distribution IUCN conservation status:

EN A1b : A danger

The Steller sea lion or Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) is the largest of the sea lion species and can live up to 51.5 years. Males are four times heavier than females and the largest can reach 1 ton (The ton represents different units of measurement; A ton is a large and wide…) for a length (The length of an object is the distance between its two most ends…) of 3 m. A female (In biology, female (from the Latin โ€œfemellaโ€, little woman, young woman) is the…) weighs approximately 270 kg for 2.20 m in length. It is the only species (in the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, โ€œtypeโ€) of the genus Eumetopias.

Despite their weight, they are excellent swimmers. The Steller sea lion has brown fur, darker for females, and jaws so strong that they are capable of crushing their prey: squid, herring, salmon, capelin and other fish (Pisces is a constellation of the zodiac crossed by the Sun from March 12 to 18…).

Their breeding grounds are between the central Gulf of Alaska and the western Aleutian Islands, and the western Aleutian Islands. This takes place at the seaside, among the rocks. The duration of gestation is approximately 50 weeks; the newborn (A newborn is a child from its first hour of life and up to 28…) measures on average (The average is a statistical measurement characterizing the elements of a set of… ) 1 m for a mass (The term mass is used to designate two quantities attached to a…) of 17 to 23 kg. The little one is breastfed for a year, and he can stay with his mother sometimes for up to three years. After a year the young people measure on average 1.78 m. They can be found from southern California to northern Japan.

They are on the list of endangered species, due to hunting, killing, large oil spills, as well as a reduction in their potential prey.

#Steller #Sea #Lion

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