🔭 The noose is tightening on the hypothetical Planet Nine

2024-03-04 12:00:15

The ninth planet, or Planet This remote region is home to a multitude of objects whose unusual orbits have suggested the existence of a large planet (A planet is a celestial body orbiting the Sun or another star in…).

Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, two Caltech astronomers, proposed the hypothesis of the presence of this Ninth Planet by analyzing these atypical orbits. According to their calculations, this planet would be approximately seven times more massive than the Terre (Earth is the third planet in the Solar System in order of distance…)which would make it the fifth largest planet in the Solar system (The solar system is a planetary system composed of a star, the…)located between 500 and 600 astronomical units from Soleil (The Sun (Sol in Latin, Helios or Ήλιος in Greek) is the star…).

The Ninth Planet is a theoretical planet in the outer solar system that proves extremely difficult to find.
Credit: Shutterstock

However, despite efforts for almost a decade, Planet Nine remains elusive, mainly due to the uncertainty surrounding its orbit (In celestial mechanics, an orbit is the trajectory that a body draws in space…) elliptical, which could take between 5,000 and 10,000 years to complete. A new study, using data (In information technology (IT), data is an elementary description, often…) of Pan-STARRS (Pan-STARRS (acronym for Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System) is a project of…) has Hawaii (Hawaii or Hawaii (in Hawaiian: Hawai’i; in English: Hawaii) is a…)made it possible to exclude more than three-quarters of its suspected orbital path, thus bringing researchers closer to their target.

To spot Planet Nine, scientists scanned its orbital path at monthly intervals, looking for bright objects changing position each month. To test their chances of success, they introduced more than 50,000 fake Planet Nines into the data, locating 99.9% of these decoys. This strategy (Strategy – from the Greek stratos which means “army” and ageîn which means…) gives an overview of the probability (Probability (from the Latin probabilitas) is an evaluation of the probable nature of a…) of having missed the real Planet Nine in the region analyzed.

Efforts to discover this mysterious planet do not stop there. Researchers plan to use Telescope data Subaru (Subaru is a Japanese automobile manufacturer, born in 1956, and part of the Fuji Heavy group…) to explore hitherto inaccessible spaces. If this approach proves unsuccessful, the future Vera C. Rubin Observatory could be the key to this cosmic enigma. Optimism remains, Michael Brown (Michel Stuart Brown is an American doctor, Nobel Prize winner in medicine in 1985 with…) anticipating the discovery of Planet Nine in theyear (A year is a unit of time expressing the duration between two occurrences of a related event…) following the commissioning of this observatory in 2025.

#noose #tightening #hypothetical #Planet

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