10 foods that help you look younger

2023-06-10 15:42:00

Thanks to Sophie Janvier, author of The gentle method for better eating*, (ed. Leduc). sophiejanviernutritionniste.com

Blueberries, allies of eyes and skin

They provide a good dose of anthocyanins, “antioxidants that greatly reduce inflammation”, notes Dr. Michèle Marchaland, anti-aging doctor and micro-nutritionist at the Valdys thalassotherapy center in Roscoff. They protect our tissues against aging: skin, brain… but also eyes! So, yes to blueberries, if possible 3 times a week, fresh or frozen, alone or in a mix with other red fruits, rather whole than in juice, because the anthocyanins lodge in the skin.

A vinaigrette with camelina oil preserves the arteries

Camelina oil is the champion of omega-3s (there are more of them than in rapeseed oil), which raise the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and lower the “bad” (LDL). The perfect “youth” vinaigrette: a 50/50 mixture of camelina oil and olive oil (or walnut) + vinegar (it lowers blood sugar a little) + a pinch of anti-inflammatory turmeric + a few peppercorns for promote its assimilation.

Canned sardines oil the brain

Along with other oily fish, they are one of the (very) rare foods to provide two types of omega-3 at the same time: EPA and DHA. These are valuable for our neurons, help them to function better and protect them from mood disorders (particularly depression) that can appear with age. Less contaminated with heavy metals than tuna or salmon, sardines provide a bonus calcium (provided you eat the bones) and vitamin D (a small box is enough to cover our daily needs). To be put on the menu once a week.

A piece of cheese at breakfast strengthens the bones

“With a slice of wholemeal bread, it makes a salty breakfast that limits blood sugar levels, and therefore insulin spikes and inflammation from the start of the day”, says Dr. Marchaland. Those with hard dough provide more calcium, essential (along with vitamin D) to keep bones strong. Special mentions for edam, gouda or munster, loaded with vitamin K2, which fights against bone demineralization and osteoporosis. 30g per day.

Broccoli sprouts ward off cancer

Crucifers contain glucosinolates (sulphur compounds) which, once in the body, give rise to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances capable of preventing chronic diseases and cancer. Trouble digesting cabbage? We opt for broccoli sprouts: they make our bowls and salads crunchy without making them bloat.

#foods #younger

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