10 Rules for Your Diet Strategy

When you are on a diet, you need strategies and tactics to set a goal to reduce calories from 900 calories a day by setting 10 basic rules. [사진=클립아트코리아]

dietEven if you do it blindly, fortunately, even if you lose weight, you may suffer from the yo-yo phenomenon and your health may deteriorate. strategyclass tacticsI need this. A dieter should keep 10 basic rulesThere is this. Excessive goals are undesirable. It’s good to find realistic solutions in real life. Prevention, an American health and lifestyle magazine, ’10 simple rules for dieting’introduced


1. A regular meal schedule rather than an unconditional starvation

starvation dietWow surfeitlet’s avoid Eating so you don’t feel hungry is the key. constant timeTo meet Newsit is good to do

2. Eat healthy fats

Just because it’s fat doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. fishor avocado on the back Unsaturated fats good for the bodycontains this

3. Walk 10,000 steps every day

Per day walking 10,000 stepsIf you keep doing weight controlof course cardiopulmonary functionthis is improved, muscleThis strengthens and reduces the risk of contracting the disease. Smartphones often have apps that can measure the number of steps installed.


4. Enjoy a healthy snack

Snackalso good When the stomach goes out, take an appropriate amount of processed food. fruitclass vegetables, nutsIt is effective in losing weight.

5. Check the amount of sugar and fat

Nutrients are listed on food labels.have been. sugarclass bad fatis the enemy of obesity. The World Health Organization (WHO) sugarsecond 25 g (about 6 teaspoons) or lessIt is for this reason that we have prepared a recommendation to consume with

6. Don’t order extra food

Don’t overeatto be. if you want more food satietyable to give vegetableIt is better to choose


7. Get up for about 10 minutes an hour

long sitting habitsilver diabetesclass heart attack Increases risk and increases waist circumference lower body obesitymay also cause

8. Avoid sugary drinks

fruit juicein sugar contentare unexpectedly many. You need to be careful when choosing a drink that claims to be a ‘natural fruit’.

9. Turn off the TV while eating

TVIf you eat food while watching surfeiteasy to do junk foodprone to the temptation of

10. Eat fruits and vegetables 5 times a day

vegetableWow fruitsilver healthy dietis a must for Avoid eating sugary fruits late in the evening.

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