12 signs in your body that indicate poor liver health

02:13 PM

Wednesday 14 September 2022

I wrote – Yasmine El-Sawy:

The body releases some warning signs that reveal the poor health of the liver and its failure to function properly, which requires consulting a doctor’s office for examination.

“Consulto” reviews a number of signs in the body that indicate poor liver health, according to the “Medicinenet” website.

Signs of a liver problem

1- Constant fatigue or stress despite sleep and rest.

2- Dull pain in the abdomen, which is one of the first signs of a potentially serious problem.

3- Jaundice, i.e. yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, usually occurs when the liver cannot remove bilirubin from the body.

4- Easy bleeding or bruising due to the liver’s inability to produce enough proteins to control the fluidity of the blood.

5- Edema, i.e. swelling of the legs and fluid accumulation in them, as the liver fails to produce enough albumin in the blood.

6- Weak metabolism in the body, which results in a feeling of extreme weakness and eating disorders.

7- Toxins accumulate in the blood, and may move to the brain, affecting brain functions, and leading to a feeling of confusion and forgetfulness.

Read also: Prescribe foods and tips to maintain a healthy liver

8- A change in the color of urine, because the liver usually secretes bilirubin, and then the color of urine turns dark when there is a defect in the functions of the liver.

9- The color of stool turns to clay due to reduced production of bile or blocking the flow of bile in the affected liver.

10- Disturbances in the digestive system, which leads to a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

11-Loss of appetite, because the liver plays an important role in maintaining the health of the digestive system.

12- The constant desire to sleep or permanent drowsiness, as this is usually associated with a problem with liver function.

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