15-year-old teenager held captive and raped by her neighbor – news

A 15-year-old girl in Luanda was held captive for three days by her 46-year-old neighbor, who forced her to take drugs, and was raped to the point of becoming pregnant. The attacker is free, and the case has been forwarded to the SIC, according to the National Children’s Institute (INAC)

In the period from the 7th to the 13th of January, the National Children’s Institute, through the SOS–Criança reporting service, which operates on telephone number 15015, received a total of 412 reports of violence against children across the country, with emphasis on the provinces of Benguela, Luanda, Moxico and Malanje. The province of Luanda stands out with 72 reports, including that of a 15-year-old girl who was the victim of sexual abuse by a 46-year-old neighbor. He kept the victim in prison for three days, forced the minor to consume drugs, and the sexual abuse resulted in a pregnancy that is now in its fourth month.

The institution, which protects children’s rights, said that, in Viana, they received six reports, with emphasis on one of sexual abuse whose victim is 14 years old, and has been raped since she was 12 years old. The act was carried out by a 20-year-old individual. The sexual abuse also resulted in a pregnancy that is now four months old. The attacker is reportedly on the run. A ridiculous case occurred in the municipality of Icolo and Bengo, where they registered a case of several students who had been victims of sexual abuse by two teachers, in exchange for good grades to move to another class.

The teachers threatened the students so that they could have sexual relations with them in exchange for grades. Therefore, the situation has already been forwarded to the School Security Brigade to determine the veracity of the complaint. 7-year-old child raped by his brother in Benguela Taking advantage of his parents’ absence at home, in the municipality of Lobito, a 24-year-old citizen raped his 7-year-old brother. At this moment, the accused is detained and the boy is receiving medical assistance. Fifteen cases marked the province of Malanje, with emphasis on two cases of sexual abuse that occurred in the main municipality, whose victims were 12 and 15 years old.

The act was carried out by two individuals aged 20 and 24, neighbors, who took advantage of the victims’ fragility and invited them to enter their residence. In this way, they kept the teenagers in prison for four days, sexually abusing them repeatedly without condoms. One of those involved is on the run and the other is in custody, while the victims are being psychologically monitored by local services. INAC assured that of the cases received, one hundred and ninety-five correspond to evasion of paternity/custody dispute; sixty-two cases of child labor; fifty-five cases of physical/psychological violence and eighteen cases of sexual abuse.

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