2.5 billion euros will be injected to revive Wallonia: here is the breakdown of the amount

The unions and the employers’ world have managed to finalize a recovery plan with the Union des Classes Moyennes, Inter-Environnement Wallonie and the Walloon government. Together, they concluded an unprecedented joint declaration: 42 priority actions were defined for a budget of approximately 2.5 billion. Over the past few weeks, the partners have jointly defined priority actions “structuring and transversal” on which to work together. The objective is to maximize the positive effects of the recovery plan and to accelerate the recovery of Wallonia

Four separate programs are under construction for a budget of approximately 2.5 billion. Results indicators will be established, particularly in terms of job creation, reduction of greenhouse gases and creation of added value. The partners have also defined prerequisites. In addition, it is a question of reforming and updating the training of young people and job seekers. The revision of public procurement clauses is also a priority. It should allow SMEs to access it more easily and therefore create a virtuous circle of job creation.

The four general strategic axes defined are as follows: training, getting out of precariousness, conducting a strong and sustainable economic and industrial policy, and finally strengthening independence and energy transition.

The issue is fundamental

An action committee, made up in particular of government representatives and stakeholders, has been set up to monitor priority projects with a view to co-construction. In addition, the partners have identified EU-funded projects in terms of “Recovery and Resilience Facility”which seem to them a priority.

This declaration and these commitments go much further than what is usually done in terms of consultation, highlights the Walloon government. He also stresses that it was essential to obtain the widest possible support for the structuring measures of the Walloon recovery plan. “Wallonia needs all its vital forces to recover sustainably”declared the Walloon Minister-President, Elio Di Rupo (PS). “It is not an easy task, but I am delighted that the social and environmental partners are joining forces with the government to achieve this objective. (…) We will only be able to relaunch our Region through the fruit of our work and by mobilizing all the living forces. Let’s not sink into defeatism, let’s remain confident, enthusiastic and combative to succeed in this heavy task.”

Towards more public housing

“The issue is fundamental”added Jean-François Tamelini, secretary general of the Walloon FGTB, and Marc Becker, national secretary of the CSC.
Financially, the main priority projects in terms of getting out of precariousness (437,144,625 euros), we find the stimulation of energy renovation by districts, within the framework of the policy of the City and of medium-sized urban centers, with a view to to develop and experiment with methods and approaches (181,500,000 euros).

At the top of the list, there is also the increase in the creation of housing in the public interest via the public-private partnership (174,250,000 euros), or even the reform of health promotion and prevention thanks to the implementation of structured programming (30,000,000 euros).

Renovate to spend less energetically

In terms of a strong and sustainable economic and industrial policy (470,030,500 euros), the main items are the implementation of governance for the regional innovation strategy (102,400,000 euros), the development of collective research programs and excellence around key themes (97,840,000 euros), and support for strategic research with a view to the economic deployment of the strategic areas defined in the roadmaps of the RIS3 and the Walloon Economic Program (68,000,000 euros). In terms of strengthening independence and the energy transition (1,312,900,000 euros), the joint declaration highlights the energy renovation of 25,000 public utility housing units (721,000,000 euros) and the completion of energy renovations of buildings (401,900,000 euros).

Finally, in terms of training (278,375,500 euros), the largest amount goes to the implementation of the Walloon training passport for all workers, including non-standard workers in connection with the aid reform to training and the career voucher as well as the employment-employment transition (101,400,000 euros). This action will go hand in hand with an investment in infrastructure and training equipment (93,010,000 euros).

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