2.5 magnitude earthquake near Añelo

2023-12-13 13:44:57

A new earthquake was recorded this morning in the Vaca Muerta area. It was just over 30 kilometers from the town of Añelo. This was the information provided by the National Institute for Seismic Prevention (Inpres).

The telluric event occurred at 7 kilometers deep and was magnitude 2.5. According to reports, it was at 7.

It took place at 108 km northwest of Neuquén, 416 km west of Santa Rosa and 82 km south of Rincón De Los Sauces.

From the Induced Seismicity Observatory stated that the epicenter occurred “northeast of Añelo, at an approximate distance of 35 km from the town. They added “a set of fractures is operating a few kilometers from the epicenter, in the Aguada del Chañar area.”

In that same area, four earthquakes have been recorded so far in December. During the last three months there were a total of 16 earthquakes in that area as announced by the Induced Seismicity Observatory.

#magnitude #earthquake #Añelo

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