2,700 staff within the state could go on strike subsequent week

LO Stat will make a complete of 4,200 staff redundant if there’s a strike. Within the first occasion, 1,097 staff in Oslo will likely be made redundant, together with staff on the College of Oslo and Oslo Met.

1,067 of those that are taken out are members of the Norsk Tjenestemannslag (NTL), which is the biggest LO confederation within the state.

YS, Akademikerne and LO Stat broke off negotiations with the Ministry of Digitalization and Administration on 30 April, and since 2 Could the events have been mediating with the Riksmekleren.

The deadline to agree is midnight on Thursday 23 Could. If they’re unsuccessful, the workers will strike from 6 o’clock on Friday morning.

Could have an effect on the federal government’s work

– A doable strike begins in the midst of the examination interval, and each educating, exams and censorship will likely be affected, states NTL.

Quite a few staff in 14 out of 16 ministries are additionally happening strike.

– The state already has a wage system with far larger alternatives for differentiation than many different sectors, and the chance to provide wage will increase to those that are tough to maintain in a labor market with numerous competitors, writes NTL in a press launch.

The teachers take out 1,240 members. Right here, too, a number of ministries are affected.

– With this strike, the federal government’s work on presenting new political proposals will likely be delayed, says chief Kari Tønnessen Nordli in Akademikerne stat.

The Oslo police and Kripos

Workers within the Oslo police district, Kripos and the Meals Security Authority are additionally able to strike.

YS Stat takes 320 members within the first occasion. Workers within the ministries, the Police Directorate and the Tax Directorate are amongst those that have been taken out.

At present, there are two agreements within the state, one for workers organized in YS and LO, and one corresponding for Akademikerne and Unio. YS Stat chief Jens B. Jahren believes it will be significant that there’s one widespread settlement for all state staff.

– It will safeguard our members’ pursuits in a greater manner than within the present settlement construction, the place the employer has to cope with a number of agreements. If we proceed with extra agreements, we worry that the wage hole between the teams on the assorted agreements will improve, he says.

#staff #state #strike #week
2024-05-17 15:06:44

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