3 eye conditions to watch out for |

Whether they are manifested by visual fatigue or loss or reduction of vision, there are many eye-related disorders. However, some appear more frequently than others. Here are 3 common eye conditions you need to pay special attention to.

Take care of your dry eye

Also known as dry eye syndrome, dry eye is one of the most common eye disorders. You suffer from this pathology if your tears are produced in low quantity and are not of good enough quality to protect your eyes from hydration. A situation that remains quite uncomfortable for the affected subjects. Fortunately, several solutions make it possible to effectively treat dry eye. As you can find out on the site Masecheresseocular.fr, there are advances in both diagnosis and treatment of this eye disorder. Thus, in the event of inflammatory lesions or dysfunction of the lacrimal glands, we advise you to use the so-called Intense Pulsed Light technology, commonly IPL treatment. Applicable to all skin types, it provides effective, painless and safe care.

Depending on the severity of the dry eye, other forms of treatment may be considered. Let us mention in particular theuse of artificial tears, humidifiers or lubricating gels. Alongside these products, certain gestures make it possible to limit or prevent the onset of dry eye. With this in mind, we recommend that you protect your eyes from tobacco smoke and drafts while making sure to rest them.

Watch out for the onset of AMD

Visual impairment generally affecting seniors over 65, AMD manifests itself in two forms. Most often, age-related macular degeneration is dry. It is caused in this case by a deterioration of the cells of the macula causing a disturbance of central vision. There is currently no specific treatment for AMD. However, it is possible to slow down the evolution of this ocular pathology with a vitamin supplement.

The other form of AMD from which subjects at risk may suffer is called wet. More severe, its development is faster. It occurs when unusual blood vessels originate and spread under the retina. These are the cause of hemorrhage and edema. For the treatment of wet AMD, the administration of pro-antigen and laser surgery are solutions that we recommend.

cataract disorders

Cataract refers to a clouding of the lens of the eye, a lens that is usually transparent. People who suffer from this eye disorder experiencegreat difficulty seeing. If you have this pathology, you will find it difficult to carry out certain activities requiring good vision, such as driving a vehicle or reading. The different forms of cataract mostly develop very slowly. Which means your eyesight is minimally disturbed at first.

It is therefore when they reach an advanced stage that the effects on vision are felt the most. When the disorders are in the initial phase, it is possible to cope with them by wearing glasses or using stronger lighting, for example. As soon as you notice that cataract disorders have a negative impact on your usual activities, a surgery can be considered. Thanks to advances in medicine, this solution is both effective and reliable.

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