3 keys to understanding the historical strength of the dollar and what consequences it may have for your country

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  • BBC News World

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The dollar has hit its highest level in 20 years against some of the world’s strongest currencies.

That means that it is more expensive to buy dollars in countries that use pesos, euros or any other currency other than the greenback. As local currencies depreciate, the price of many imported products, such as electronics, rises.

That the currency of a country depreciates contributes to rising inflation and makes it more expensive to pay debts in dollars contracted by companies or governments, a situation that can generate fiscal pressures in the economies that emptied their coffers to face the pandemic and currently have very little budget.

The DXY index, which measures the value of the US dollar against an average of six other major currencies, including the euro, pound and yen, is up 15% in 2022. By this measure, the dollar is at its lowest point. high in 20 years.

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