3 recommendations to improve work well-being and take care of mental health at work

Over the last few years, the mental health played a fundamental role on the organization agenda and many leaders understood that people are the main capital they have.

take care of the emotional health, along with the development of their skillsis understood today as the only way to think about a sustainable future.

So much so that a Qualtrics report reported that almost 70% of millennials and 81% of generation Z reported having left their jobs for mental health reasons.

Given these circumstances, organizations have begun to pay special attention to these variables, since they inevitably have a clear impact on the performance of their human capital, and therefore, on their businesses.

Mental health and productivity

To improve productivity and foster a more inclusive environment, companies must make changes that incorporate emotional well-being and mental health into their practices and benefits.

This transformation includes measures that should be oriented not only to the HR areas, but also to the leaders of the organization so that they acquire rigorous knowledge on the subject and can generate interventions that favor emotional health.

Eating healthy, respecting breaks, are part of promoting a sustainable corporate culture

Eating healthy, respecting breaks, are part of promoting a sustainable corporate culture

Thus, it is essential to understand the importance today for young people to work in companies with organizational cultures that support this idea and as business leaders, empower it.

The following are 3 basic tips that an organization must take into account to cultivate the well-being of its teams.

1. Become aware of the importance of mental health

The training on the subject for leaders and human resources areastogether with the contribution of science to identify relevant conditions, are the main tools that an organization has at its disposal to put mental health care on the agenda.

In this line, it is recognized three great pillars:

  • physical well-being,

  • the well-being of the mind,

  • and connectivity with others.

Thus, it is important to find well-being programs that have scientific validity and rigor where the interventions that are carried out have proven efficacy in improving the development of well-being in individuals.

2. Provide support spaces

Provide support spaces for those struggling with their mental health and train staff in this regard

Provide support spaces for those struggling with their mental health and train staff in this regard

Provide support spaces for those struggling with their mental health and train staff in this regard

It is important to provide support spaces to collaborators who may be experiencing a problem in their emotional health

When it comes to mental health, it is important that organizations provide support spaces where people can go when they notice that their stress levels are increasing or that something is not right.

These spaces should contribute to the generation of individual general and emotional health plans that enhance human capital.

3. Promote a healthy work culture

It is recommended to give priority to promoting a healthy work culture and generating programs that promote emotional well-being

It is important that during working hours, food is taken care of and incorporated into the diet healthy food. It is also important don’t always stay seated, do stretching exercises and take care of your posture; as well as pay attention to the hours of sleep and rest.

The development of new skills such as emotional management, stress and time management, focusing and making decisions should also be part of the culture of companies that intend to be prepared for an increasingly changing and uncertain future.

At the same time, foster social relationships Among those who are part of companies, it is a great giver of happiness and widely collaborates in better stress management.

*Dr. Mary Rockis the director of INECO Organizations and of the Course on Health and Well-Being at Work at INECO U, aimed at training specialists in human resources and leaders in matters of health and emotional well-being.

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