3 tips to take care of what we sow

2023-11-30 16:05:59

The temperature of the environment begins to rise. The influencer Carolina Hernando is an agroecological producer and through its proposal Siembra Feliz (@siembra_feliz) It guides us on what to take into account when caring for this season’s crops.

What to plant?

December is the last chance to plant those vegetables that will be the great protagonists of the summer: tomatoes, chili peppers, bell peppers, pumpkins and cucumbers. It is also an opportunity to sow chard, lettuce, basil, beet, carrot, radish, turnip, parsley, celery. You can start in seedbeds with onions, chives and leeks.

“The best thing we can do to keep our garden healthy is to attract life of all kinds. As? Including flowers, aromatic plants among vegetables. This creates a natural balance. Situations are regulated so that everything works. The more we intervene with our applications, the more we ruin that balance. Although it seems that at that moment we solved one part, it turns out that we are complicating it with another part,” says Carolina.

The fruits of summer are beginning to appear.

Pay attention to sun exposure

The seedlings that were transplanted continue to grow. It is likely that they already have flowers or some budding fruit. Life in the garden is beginning to be felt. “As for our Seedbeds, seedlings or seedbeds must be located in half shade. Ideal would be somewhere where the trees provide that pleasant shade, but where a ray of sunlight caresses them at times,” explains the farmer.

Biological control: San Antonio vaquitas eat aphids.

Humidity control

At this time it is very important check soil moisture daily. The temperature increases, plants grow more vigorously and consume more water. There is also thousands of microorganisms that work daily in the soil so that plants receive nutrients necessary. These essential living beings must be protected. How we do?

“Covering the soil, especially when it starts to get very hot, is essential, it will protect it from extreme heat, and will help maintain humidity. This can be done with an organic mattress or mulching, it can be dry leaves (remember to accumulate in the fall), wheat straw, tree bark, or cut grass that we let dry in the sun before using it,” shares Carolina.

We promote biodiversity in the garden to achieve biological control: we intervene less and regulate bugs, some eat others.

The importance of observation

“They say that the best medicine is prevention and in your garden you are the doctor. The garden needs its gardener, it needs your eyes, your instinct, your experience, whether it is little or much but it will get better every time,” he suggests.

By taking daily tours of the garden we can observe situations:
* Leaves that seem strange to us, stained or deformed before finding out what it is, we prune them with disinfected hands or scissors and throw them away from the garden, in the trash. We don’t compost them. Once removed from the garden, we can investigate what it was about.

*If the plants have already grown a lotMake sure air enters between them, you can prune some leaves from the bottom of the plant.

* If you see insects such as caterpillars or aphidsremove them manually, with a napkin or with the jet of the hose.

“Try to use your hands and eyes a lot before applying preparations because even if they are organic, they do not know how to distinguish what function each insect performs in the garden, so they will affect everyone,” warns Hernando.

#tips #care #sow

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