30% of the storefronts are rented, Chen Shizhong shouts that Shilin will prosper again

▲ Chen Shizhong went to Shilin Market today (21) to sweep the streets. (Photo / provided by Chen Shizhong’s office)

Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, went to the Shilin Market early on the morning of the 21st to pray for votes. When asked about nearly 20% to 30% of the stores in the Shilin business district for rent, Chen Shizhong said that with the epidemic situation, continued opening in the future is inevitable. Now everyone is making preparations for revitalization. The circle will become more and more prosperous.

When asked by the media, there was a small episode of knocking down the booth during the ticket worship process. Chen Shizhong said that he was sincere when he went to the market to worship tickets. Sometimes it affects the market business. He is very sorry, and he and the team will be very careful. He also expressed his apologies if he disturbed anyone, “We are here with all sincerity and hope that everyone can make a fortune safely.” The spokesman Zhuang Ruixiong and others also said that they had just bumped into a stall, “That stall is a good friend. “.

When asked about nearly 20 to 30 percent of the stores in the Shilin business district for rent, Chen Shizhong said that with the epidemic situation, continued opening in the future is inevitable. Now everyone is making preparations for revitalization. will become more prosperous.

In addition, when asked about what the outside world thinks his campaign team is luxurious, Chen Shizhong said that the DPP candidate teams are very strong, and if you taste it carefully, you will understand.

During today’s trip to Shilin, local councilors Zhong Peiling, Lin Shizong, Chen Cihui, Chen Xianwei, and candidate Lin Yanfeng were all present.

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