38 Member Countries Approve Indonesia to Become a Member of the OECD – 2024-05-13 12:27:41

Aerial photo of a number of vehicles passing through the Gayamsari Toll Gate (GT), Semarang, Central Java, Friday (10/5/2024). (Antara/Makna Zaezar)

Coordinating MINISTER for Economic Affairs (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs), Airlangga Hartarto, said that 38 countries which are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have approved Indonesia to become an OECD member country.

“Last week in Paris I officially received a roadmap from them. The two countries that received the roadmap, one was Indonesia, the second was Argentina,” said Airlangga in Jakarta on Saturday (11/5).

However, he continued, of the two countries that accepted the roadmap, representatives of the leaders of OECD countries such as Japan and the Netherlands, they supported Indonesia to enter and become a member of the OECD.

“Why is the OECD important? Because we want next reform, we have revised the Job Creation Law by more than 60 laws. Next implementation is through the OECD and they have a lot of data and a lot of standards they have. Meanwhile, we already have it, it is also included in “Indo-Pacific Economy Framework. We also have a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,” he explained.

With various participations in several world economic organizations, Indonesia is very ready for the international standards that have been implemented by the OECD.

“In this way, we hope that our economic growth will increase again. By entering the OECD, a lot of investment will also come in,” he concluded. (Z-2)

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