4 dead, several injured… (press release)

Four dead and several injured including five serious cases! This is the sad assessment that the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution made on the evening of this Friday, July 29, 2022, the day after its very first demonstration against the military junta of Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.

The hopes raised by the military coup that overthrew President Alpha Condé on September 05, 2021 are becoming nightmarish for many families in Conakry and Dubréka.

For several hours, the telephones of Guineematin.com are joined by parents who complain of abuses by security forces agents. “It shoots everywhere! We had a hard time burying a relative this Friday. Unfortunately, it continues to be more beautiful this evening, ”tells us a compatriot. “Our children were arrested here at home and taken to detention, while they have nothing to do with the demonstrations”, swears another… While others announce cases of injuries and even deaths.

For its part, in its assessment of the day, the FNDC announces several victims: 4 dead and several injured including 5 serious cases…

Guineematin.com offers you, below, the press release of the FNDC:

The FNDC is deeply shocked and outraged by the numerous loss of human life recorded during the day of this Friday, July 29. Four (4) cases of death were notified to it by its monitoring service and by the families of the victims.

We also deplore several gunshot wounds, five (5) of whom are said to be between life and death.

The FNDC denounces the use by the Defense and Security Forces of civilian counter-demonstrators in the repression and looting of property, particularly along the Hamdallaye-Kagbelen axis.

The FNDC expresses its support and solidarity to all the families who have lost loved ones, to all those who are arrested or injured or who have lost property during this bloody repression that the CNRD inflicts on Guineans who love justice and democracy. The FNDC strongly condemns these acts which constitute serious violations of human rights and the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

The FNDC while bowing to the memory of the deceased and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured reassures the people of Guinea that these crimes will not go unpunished.

The national coordination of the FNDC congratulates and encourages the people of Guinea for their determination to safeguard the democratic gains and to demand the opening of a credible dialogue and a diligent return to constitutional order.

Together united and united we will win.

Conakry, July 29, 2022

The National Coordination of the FNDC

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