“4 Drinks to Control Blood Sugar: Tips from The Consulto and VeryWell Health”

2023-04-23 14:36:55

04:32 PM

Sunday 23 April 2023

I wrote – Yasmine El Sawy:

Doctors usually advise patients with insulin resistance and diabetes to follow a healthy diet to control blood sugar, and then some important drinks that serve the same purpose can be consumed alongside healthy foods.

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In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews some important drinks for controlling blood sugar, according to the “Very well health” website.

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Drinks to control sugar and pressure


When blood sugar levels are high, drinking plenty of water may help lower it, as it hydrates the body and lowers glucose levels, which is also important for kidney health.

People with high blood sugar often complain of a decrease in kidney function due to problems with the blood vessels.

Recently published research found that drinking water after waking up and before bed does not flush sugar from the blood, but it does help maintain kidney function.

All of this means that those with high blood sugar levels should increase their water intake (about 8-10 glasses a day), as well as drink water after every 30 minutes of exercise.

2- Plain coffee

Plain coffee without flavors, milk and sugar is one of the best drinks rich in antioxidants, which reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and improve the levels of sugar in the cells, thus playing an important role in controlling blood sugar levels.

Also read: 4 foods that raise blood sugar and blood pressure together

3-green tea

Green tea, just like black coffee, contains polyphenols, and drinking it can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Compounds in green tea may also reduce inflammation and stress hormones in the body, which may contribute to fighting insulin resistance.

It is required that green tea be free of sugars and flavors to obtain its health benefits in controlling blood sugar.

4-plum juice

Sugar-free plum juice has many health benefits, such as natural fibers that promote gut health, which affects blood sugar regulation.

Prune juice can also help stabilize blood sugar levels while curbing appetite and losing weight.

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