4 Habits That Increase Cholesterol Levels Beware

It is important to maintain a healthy level of cholesterol so that it does not cause any diseases or health conditions, diet and lifestyle are the main factors that contribute to high cholesterol levels, and it is important to follow a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy level of cholesterol.

According to the healthline report, cholesterol in the body is of two types, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or good cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or bad cholesterol.

Good cholesterol is good for the body because it helps the liver get rid of excess cholesterol from the body. The bad type, LDL, builds up in the blood vessels and can cause a blockage that then leads to heart attacks and other heart diseases, so it is important to maintain a healthy level of cholesterol so that it does not cause Any diseases or health conditions.

Reasons that may lead to high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Have a lot of sugar in your diet

This can be in your food as well as in drinks. Consuming a lot of sugar can raise your blood cholesterol, so it is important to avoid it. However, you can add natural sugars to your food and drinks as an alternative to artificial sugars.

sedentary lifestyle

When your body is inactive or does not do enough physical activity, the chances of high cholesterol also increase. Sitting in front of computer screens and TV screens increases the risks, therefore, it is essential that you do some kind of physical activity every day.

Smoking and alcohol consumption

These two factors contribute greatly to the increase in bad cholesterol. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking can be the cause of high cholesterol levels in the body.

Not getting enough sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, it affects your body’s functioning and affects your cholesterol levels. Inadequate sleep can lead to stress which may again lead to an increase in cholesterol.

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