4 micronutrients that must be added to your diet. Know the damages of their deficiency

No matter how good you think your diet is, chances are you are still deficient micronutrients;Eating enough food may make you feel full, but this does not necessarily mean that you have consumed all the essential nutrients that facilitate the functions of the body. Micronutrient deficiencies occur when we focus on certain types of foods that provide a group of nutrients and neglect others..

According to Dr. Vishaka Shivdasani, who specializes in the field of medical nutritionMicronutrients are important because they act as catalysts or hormones in various metabolic functions, and a deficiency in any of them can lead to health problems. Here are some of the most common deficiencies and their negative effects on the body. doctor.ndtv“.

Essential micronutrients that you should add to your diet

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in more than 200 metabolic processes in our bodies, supports healthy bones, weight, and immunity, and helps manage blood sugar. But, according to Dr. Vishaka, many of us can be deficient in it. At least 40 minutes a day, your body is at risk of low vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to health problems such as aches, which can be prevented by following the right diet..

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is another micronutrient that has a significant contribution to brain development, nerve conduction, and neurological functions of the body. It helps form red blood cells and thus hemoglobin. A deficiency can lead to fatigue and headaches, and it can also lead to decreased immunity. Vitamin B12 supplements can be taken because most of the vitamins in leafy green vegetables are destroyed during cooking.

3. Iodine

An essential component of thyroid hormone and an important nutrient for thyroid health, iodine deficiency is becoming common. The doctor warns that if a person does not take in enough iodine, it may affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and may lead to goiter. Iodine deficiency affects the ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormones and may lead to hypothyroidism.

4. Iron

Iron is one of the main components of hemoglobin and helps in transporting oxygen throughout the body. According to Dr. Vishaka, iron deficiency can have effects like headaches, cold hands, hair loss and shortness of breath. It can also aggravate a chronic condition in some cases. She advises that it should not be One has only to get hemoglobin but also test iron levels, the doctor stresses that women may suffer from iron deficiency from the time of menstruation to menopause and they should have iron and ferritin checked.

The doctor suggests that one should opt for a diet that includes various vegetables and low-glycemic fruits, one should make sure to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to keep away any kind of nutrient deficiency..

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