4 Strawberry Pot Ideas and Tips for Growing Them

2023-04-30 09:30:06

Do you like strawberries? So try growing them at home. We show you how to take care of it.

4 Strawberry Pot Ideas and Tips for Growing Them

Last update : 30 avril, 2023

The space available in houses is often an obstacle to gardening. However, pots are a great alternative. In this article, we teach you how to grow and care for potted strawberries.

Growing your own food is a great idea. This allows you to save money, to have organic products without chemicals and the work of maintaining the garden is entertaining.

Why strawberries?

Strawberries are a source of vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium and fiber. In addition, they have a low glycemic index, so they are ideal for people with diabetes.

Likewise, they contain multiple flavonoids with antioxidant propertiesaccording to a book on strawberries published by the Junta de AndalucĂ­a in Spain.

However, store-bought strawberries are often high in pesticides. Therefore, having your own culture can help you control this problem.

Moreover, they generally do not have deep roots and adapt well to different environments. Indeed, they are resistant to low temperatures. However, to bear fruit, they need sun. We tell you here everything you need to know to have juicy, sweet and very red strawberries!

How to grow pots of strawberries at home?

Although you can grow from seeds, its germination process will take longer and require more care. As a result, we suggest you buy a cutting or a plant that you will only have to transplant if it is the first time that you grow strawberries at home.

When it comes to soil type, strawberries require one with a neutral pH. Likewise, they need soils rich in organic matter, as well as frequent fertilization.

However, the soil should be sandy to facilitate good drainage. It is convenient to avoid being saline. It is better to buy specific fertilizers and fertilizers for this type of culture or to use compost produced at home.

For strawberries to grow, they need a lot of water. In fact, your soil should never be allowed to dry out. Thus, they can be watered daily in small quantities during the summer.

In winter, they can be watered every 3 days. The ideal is to check the humidity level of the soil. They must also not be flooded. Hence the importance of the soil and the pot allowing good drainage.

Regarding their light needs, the ideal is that strawberries receive sun 6 to 8 hours a day so that they bear quality fruit. If it is a place where they receive little it is better to opt for a pot that can be moved.

Finally, strawberries are susceptible to pests and often attract birds and insects. Therefore, if you want to put them outside, it is better to use a net to cover it and prevent them from being damaged.

Quality strawberries are natural products that provide vitamins and antioxidants.

4 strawberry jar ideas

No matter what type of pot you choose, be aware that they need good drainage. For this reasonpots that have holes and do not promote stagnation work well.

Therefore, pots that are slightly raised or that do not sit directly on the ground and allow water to drain from the bottom are ideal.

Strawberries do not require very deep containers, because their roots are not very long. However, it is better if the space is wide on the sides.

Here are some great strawberry pot ideas in different sizes, shapes and styles.

1. Wall Mounted Strawberry Planter

When you have a terrace or a balcony and want to have a garden, it is important to take advantage of every square centimeter. In this sense, the hanging gardens have become a more than interesting solution to take advantage of space. Walls become an ideal option for hanging pots.

Having a planter attached to the wall allows for good water drainage, as well as a good fall of the strawberries when they begin to fruit. In addition, the space can be optimized to have a long enough planter or to supplement the area with other types of crops, such as lettuce, herbs or tomatoes.

Read also: Blueberries are highly recommended but are they effective?

2. I can suspend

A hanging pot is a great idea for growing strawberries in places where space is limited. It has the advantage of allowing good drainage.

In addition, when it bears fruit, it will be beautiful and will decorate terraces or patios. As if that weren’t enough, it will prevent the fruit from hitting the ground and rotting.

The pot must be more than 30 centimeters, although it does not require a great depth. In the lower part, it must have holes so that water can fall out when it is watered. For the rest, place it in a bright area and follow the general recommendations for growing strawberries.

3. Tiered Planter

If you prefer an in-ground option for strawberry pots, the ladder style is an ideal choice. In fact, you could use the upper levels to put the strawberry plants and lower levels for aromatics, chamomile, basil and lemon balm.

Read also: The 8 benefits of strawberries for your health

4. Recycled Pallet Strawberry Jars

A pallet offers a thousand possibilities to create wonderful objects such as chairs, dog beds, drawers and flower pots. In the latter case, it is very flattering for a strawberry crop due to the holes it has, which facilitate the passage of water.

Just take several pallets and to assemble them to form a rectangular pot. So that the earth does not come out, you can put a mesh covering the inside.

When you put this pot on the ground, place another pallet under it or some bricks, so that it is not completely attached to the surface and has a little height. This type of pot is ideal for an outdoor garden. In addition, you can decorate it with exterior paint and give your garden a splash of color.

Hanging pots allow water to drain away to prevent puddles.

Try growing your own seeds

Now that you know how to grow your own container crop of strawberries, chances are you’ll be excited about these fruits. They are perfect fruits for making desserts, jams, putting in salads, making smoothies or accompanying many breakfasts. If you are also a gardening enthusiast, chances are that you will not be satisfied with just one pot.

In this regard, you can also extract your own seeds from a fruit. Although it is a longer process, it is not impossible.

All you have to do is take a piece of strawberry skin and put it to dry on absorbent paper for 4 days. Then you will see how easily the seeds come off. You put them to sprout on a bed of potting soil and wait for the first shoots to start coming out.

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