45. Vienna Municipal Council (12) | PID Press

2023-11-27 22:25:04

Advising the Education, Youth, Integration and Transparency business group

Vienna (OTS) GR Peter Florianschütz, MA, MLS (SPÖ) said that the city of Vienna is on a journey in the education sector whose goal has not yet been reached. Florianschütz drew a line from the Summer City Camps to the adult education initiative, within which people could gain educational qualifications. Florianschütz mentioned Vienna’s educational opportunities, a “subsidiary system” in which schools “choose what they need from a potpourri and the city makes it available to them.” The educational districts of the city of Vienna, i.e. the connection between schools and the surrounding “real” world, are “a great achievement”. The 38 branches of the city’s libraries would also play an important role in public education. Florianschütz also spoke about the Human Rights Office and its flagship projects: the 18 human rights districts, the focus on combating human trafficking and combating anti-Semitism and racism.

GR Stefan Berger (FPÖ) saw an “education misery everywhere” in Vienna. In view of this, the proposal to abolish the SPÖ, the grading system and the Matura could “not be taken seriously”. Berger also did not see the issue of good affordability, as many in his environment would send their children to “expensive private institutions” in order to avoid Vienna’s public schools. Berger warned of increasing violence in schools. There is an “explosion of reports and suspensions in Viennese schools,” said Berger, quoting a letter from a citizen. The problem of anti-Semitism is particularly large in schools with a high proportion of migrants. Berger called for a funding stop for institutions that spread anti-Semitism. The department is still “a huge construction site”.

GRin Silvia Janoch (ÖVP) spoke on the subject of child protection. Children are increasingly exposed to different forms of violence. Child protection is a responsibility of all adults. The kindergarten in particular must remain a “place of security” and cases of abuse must not be “covered up or trivialized”. Elementary educators often “lack time and energy,” said Janoch and, among other things, called for an improved care ratio. Janoch also warned of the consequences of digital media consumption. The children “should not be left alone with this”. According to Janoch, there is still no effective protection for children on the Internet. Finally, Janoch called for swimming courses for kindergarten-age children “once again.”

GRin Mag. Nicole Berger-Krotsch (SPÖ) said in the current budget the amount for education had increased by 16 percent. The city is investing in education. Berger-Krotsch also called for these “necessary investments” from the federal government. She criticized the fact that parents had not been helped at the federal level in the education sector to cushion inflation. She is demanding an additional billion in education, anti-inflation measures and investments in staff training. The city government has “very clear ideas” for an education system that is fit for the future. It’s not about abolishing the Matura, but about a realignment. Berger-Krotsch also criticized the fact that Vienna, with its special challenges as a metropolitan area, is not receiving sufficient support from the federal government. A round table will be held again on the subject of violence in schools, but here too – with the support of the federal government – school social workers need to be strengthened. The city will also continue to promote the issue of all-day schools in education and expand the summer city camps.

GR Wolfgang Kieslich (non-club member) spoke on the topic of integration. Integration is currently having a negative impact on coexistence, especially in financial terms, said Kieslich. He is against “immigration into the social system”. He called for a path that was also demonstrated by Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Salzburg, which would rely on benefits in kind. According to Kieslich, non-Austrians are at the forefront of crime statistics. More than half of Viennese are of foreign origin, which for Kieslich is a “worrying development”. Kieslich saw an unwillingness to integrate among immigrants and the formation of parallel societies. He called for social benefits to be linked to Austrian citizenship.

GR Markus Ornig, MBA (NEOS) dedicated his speech to the Vienna baths. Ornig assured that the 38 Vienna spa locations “with a diverse range of offerings” would continue to be operated as open, low-threshold, affordable facilities. In the 2030 pool construction program, 20 million euros are budgeted for 2024 and 15.3 million for 2025. This would mean that some important projects would be implemented, such as extensions in the Großfeldsiedlungsbad and in Simmering, roof renovations in the Donaustadt and in the Großfeldsiedlungsbad, the conception of the indoor swimming pool in the Seestadt and also climate protection projects. (cont.) gaa

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