5 diseases that may be related to your blood type, including memory problems

Enas Al-Banna

Saturday, April 15, 2023 05:00 PM

You can change your workouts and your diet, but you can’t do anything to change your blood typewhich is determined by the microscopic material — inherited from your parents — that lives on the surface of your red blood cells.

These surfactants interact with the immune system in ways that alter your risk of many common diseases. Depending on whether you are type A, B, AB, or O, you may have a higher or lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases. Here’s what your blood type could mean to you, according to onlymyhealth.com.

memory problems

Research from the Journal of Neurology shows that type AB blood may increase your risk of cognitive impairment. Specifically, older ABs were more likely than those with other blood types to have problems learning or recalling item lists—a standard test of cognitive performance (help maintain Build your brain power with these 7 fun brain games)

stomach cancer

More bad news if you’re of type AB blood: Your risk of developing stomach cancer is nearly 26% higher than if you have blood types B or O, finds a study from the American Journal of Epidemiology. If you’re type A, your risk is 20% higher. of those who have type B or O.


Research shows that the same bacteria that may cause stomach cancers among those with blood type A or AB may increase your risk of developing ulcers if you are type O.

My heart disease

Your blood type O may reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 23% compared to people with other blood types. This is according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health. Study data showed that people with blood types AB and B were more likely to develop heart disease. The authors say that certain blood groups are associated with higher rates of inflammation, which may partly explain their association with heart disease.

Pancreas cancer

More benefits to type O: You’re 37 percent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than people with other blood types, according to research from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Again, the study authors point to the presence of H. pylori as a possible explanation for higher disease rates among non-blood types. O.

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