5 eating habits to revive aging muscles

Lack of physical activity or eating too little protein can accelerate muscle aging. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

As we age, our bodies go through various changes. One of these is an increase in the risk of sarcopenia, which is a decrease in muscle mass, which leads to decreased muscle strength and decreased physical function. Prevention should not be neglected as sarcopenia increases the risk of falls and fractures and makes daily life difficult.

For prevention, it is most important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Lack of physical activity or eating too little protein can accelerate muscle aging. Eating habits that can be practiced to slow the muscle aging process were introduced by the US health information media ‘Eat This, Not That’.

1. Eat a lot of high-quality protein

One of the most basic eating habits to slow muscle aging is to consume enough high-quality protein. All animal proteins are complete proteins, and complete protein can be consumed from plant foods such as hemp seeds, quinoa, tofu, nutritional yeast, and a combination of soy and rice. A complete protein contains all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot make on its own and must be obtained from food.

Like vegetables, most plant proteins are known as incomplete proteins, but if you eat a balanced diet, you can still get the amino acids you need. Therefore, rather than obsessing over the exact amount, it is better to consume protein at every meal, such as milk, yogurt, eggs, chicken, fish, lean meat, nuts, beans and liver.

2. Eat Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Another diet that is important for maintaining muscle strength is eating lots of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are good for muscle health because of their anti-inflammatory properties, and the lower the rate of inflammation in the body, the less likely it is to break down or damage muscle cells. You can get omega-3 from a variety of fish, seeds, nuts, or as a supplement.

3. Eat enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is beneficial for bone and mental health and aids in calcium absorption, but it is also important for muscle health. Vitamin D helps to synthesize muscle protein and suppresses inflammation in the body.

4. Focus on calories

As we get older, our appetite changes and some people don’t consume enough nutrient-dense calories. A lack of these nutrients can cause accelerated muscle aging.

On the other hand, a calorie-restricted diet may help with muscle aging. According to a study published in the journal Aging, calorie restriction without loss of nutrients may help muscle protein synthesis, delay atrophy, and improve overall strength. However, whether you need to increase or decrease your calorie intake depends on your individual circumstances and should be decided after consulting with your doctor.

5. Eat healthy carbohydrates

Protein is important for muscle strength, but don’t forget healthy carbohydrates as well. According to the Cleveland Clinic in the US, carbohydrates that provide energy to the body are essential for building strength. Harvard Health also says that eating a combination of protein and carbohydrates after a workout can help you build more muscle. A study of more than 800 older adults found that a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and important nutrients such as certain vitamins such as zinc, vitamin B6 and carotene, helped lower the risk of developing sarcopenia.

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