5 effects of alcohol shots on the body


  • All glasses served in bars contain the same amount of pure alcohol: about 10 grams. This is called a unit of alcohol.
  • Alcohol consumption is the cause of 49,000 deaths per year in France.
  • Alcohol is responsible for more than 7% of illnesses and premature deaths in Europe.

Alcohol shots are the stars of many parties. However, their small size (between 30 ml and 50 ml) does not make these strong drinks less dangerous for health. Indeed, we are not always aware of it, but a shot of vodka contains the same amount of alcohol as half a beer or a glass of wine.

“This means whether your alcoholic drink of choice is a glass of wine, a can of beer, a cocktail or a shot of alcohol, it takes the same amount of time – about an hour – for your liver to metabolize and eliminate alcohol from your system”warns dietitian-nutritionist Kelsey Lorencz in her article published on the site Eat This.

On the other hand, the shot is generally taken in a single sip. It is thus possible to swallow several in a few minutes while it takes approximately between 20 and 40 minutes to drink the other glasses. The effects of alcohol are thus felt more quickly with shooters. The dietician-nutritionist details the cascade of effects they can have on the body.

Alcohol shots make you hungry

Although alcohol is particularly high in calories, the drink stimulates hunger. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. Some believe that after a few drinks, the will to resist the cravings would be less. However, a London study published in 2017 in the journal Nature Communications proposes another cause: alcohol acts on areas of the brain that increase appetite and the desire to eat.

Shooter: you feel hot, but your temperature drops

Popular beliefs assure that alcohol is warming. But this is not the case. “Don’t let this feeling (of heat, editor’s note) make you think that you are really increasing your body temperature. When you drink alcohol, your blood vessels dilate, which amplifies blood flow. You have the feel warmer because blood is rushing to the surface of your skin, but this effect actually lowers your body temperature”explains the American expert.

You feel happier after a shot

If some have thesad alcoholthe drink tends to promote the feeling of happiness and relaxation. “Even after a single shot of alcohol, your brain releases feel-good dopamine. While that may sound like a good thing, researchers have found that long-term alcohol abuse can actually alter your how your brain releases dopamine. It’s also a key component that makes alcohol such an addictive substance.”warns the dietitian-nutritionist.

Alcohol and drugs don’t mix… and 1 shot is enough

It is strongly advised not to drink alcohol if you are undergoing treatment. And it’s not because the shot has a smaller capacity that it is less problematic.

“Even a single shot can change the way your body reacts to certain pills. For one thing, alcohol is broken down and detoxified in the liver, the same organ that breaks down many drugs. alcohol from your system, some treatments can build up dangerous levels in your body”writes the specialist. “Another reason to be very careful when mixing drugs and alcohol is that the drink may intensify some side effects of certain treatments, such as drowsiness or problems concentrating. If you are taking drugs, you should check ask your doctor or pharmacist if it is possible to drink, even a single dose”she adds.

Alcohol shots lower inhibitions

It’s not uncommon after a few drinks to feel more relaxed and talkative. Kelsey Lorencz explains this phenomenon: “As soon as alcohol gets to your brain, it increases levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that helps you feel relaxed and can lower your anxiety levels. It also increases norepinephrine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that acts as a stimulant.People don’t usually say or do things they regret after just one drink, but the more you drink, the more GABA and norepinephrine are released, and the more likely you are to do and say things you wouldn’t normally do.”

Alcohol does not only have immediate effects, it is likely in the long term to increase the risk of many diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular pathologies or neurological disorders. To limit them, it is recommended to:

  1. consume no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 2 standard drinks per day;
  2. have at least two days in the week without consumption.

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