5 Exercise Myths Decoded: Tips for Increasing Muscle and Reducing Fat

2023-06-10 09:17:00

The doctor said that swimming is good for health, but studies have found that long-term immersion in relatively low-temperature water can lead to a sharp increase in appetite. Therefore, if you want to lose weight while swimming, you must carefully count calories; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Today’s fitness trend is prevalent, and many people advocate building muscle and reducing fat. People often hear sayings such as “eat fat first and then practice”, “swimming is the best exercise for sculpting your body”, this is true ? In this regard, Xiao Jiejian, the chief physician of weight management at Sanshu Oriole Clinic, wrote on the Facebook page “Bariatric Physician Xiao Jiejian“Published an article to decipher 5 sports myths, help the public exercise correctly, and achieve the effect of increasing muscle and reducing fat.

Myth 1. Eat fat first and then exercise

In fact, the rate of muscle gain is faster when the body fat is lower. Because fat is fat, muscle is muscle, and they are tissues with completely different structures. People with low body fat are more sensitive to insulin and gain muscle more quickly; after eating fat, they become insulin resistant, and all they grow is fat. In addition, it is also recommended that those with high body fat should arrange the diet first to reduce fat and then increase muscle, which is more efficient.

Myth 2. Running is the best exercise for fat loss

There is no denying the health and cardiorespiratory benefits of aerobic exercise. However, it can be seen that the track and field athletes on the sports field are all skinny. This is because although running can increase muscle endurance, it cannot stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Because they consume a lot of calories during training, once they stop training and eat the same amount of food, they will gain a lot of fat. If you want a strong body, running alone is not enough. And running at night is extremely dangerous. If you bring a bag of salty crispy chicken home after running, it will be more terrifying than not going out.

Myth 3. Swimming is the best exercise for sculpting your body

Swimming is good for health, but studies have found that long-term immersion in relatively low-temperature water can lead to a sharp increase in appetite. Therefore, if you want to lose weight while swimming, you must carefully count calories.

Myth 4. Just do heavy training to gain muscle and lose fat

If he can only choose one kind of exercise, he will choose heavy training, but because the muscle fibers of the human body are divided into aerobic endurance type red muscle (I) and strength explosive type white muscle (IIb). Red muscle has a good ability to burn fat. Weight training can stimulate white muscle hypertrophy, and muscle hypertrophy can store more glycogen, so that the starch eaten can be stored in the muscle instead of being piled up as fat. Therefore, heavy training and aerobic exercise should not be neglected.

Myth 5. Finish off with a few push-ups after a run

The key is to do muscle strength training first and then aerobic training. A few strokes are not enough. The muscles of the whole body need to be exercised systematically. And if you do aerobic first, you won’t have the strength to do strength training. Doing aerobic after heavy training will have 2 benefits, including that the strength of heavy training will not be reduced after doing aerobic first; it can more efficiently activate the effect of aerobic fat burning.

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