5 Fruits and Vegetables Good for Haejang the Day After Drinking

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The next day after drinking, if you have a headache and feel uncomfortable from the moment you wake up in the morning, it is good to do Haejang. When you drink alcohol, your body breaks down ethanol to produce a toxic substance called acetaldehyde. Because of this, you will suffer from a hangover until the next day. Find out which foods are good for hangovers, especially fruits and vegetables.

Bean Sprouts Excellent for Haejangguk
The most popular haejangguk is bean sprout soup. Bean sprouts are rich in vitamins C and B1, and especially in the roots, aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is very effective in relieving hangover because it removes acetaldehyde, the cause of hangover. In addition, the rich potassium contained in bean sprouts is good for excreting sodium from snacks eaten with alcohol.

The thirst caused by a hangover

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Pears have a very high water and sugar content among fruits. Therefore, it satisfies the thirst caused by drinking alcohol and helps digestion of the bloated stomach. Like bean sprouts, it contains aspartic acid, which is excellent for relieving hangovers. Studies have shown that Korean pears have the most excellent hangover effect than other western or eastern pears.

Cucumber good for hydration
The day after drinking, cucumbers are effective in rehydrating and relieving hangovers. Cucumber’s rich moisture content is particularly helpful in relieving hangovers. This is because the ascorobinase component in cucumber helps break down alcohol and relieves hangovers. It is also rich in potassium, which helps diuretic action and is good for excretion of toxins.

Banana fruit good for hangover relief

If you have bloating and vomiting, eating a banana is effective. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Bananas are also one of the best fruits to relieve hangovers. If you drink a lot of alcohol, your body releases a lot of potassium through the breakdown of alcohol. A typical symptom of potassium deficiency is trembling under the eyes. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, which relieve hangover symptoms such as trembling under the eyes. In particular, if you have bloating and vomiting, eating a banana is effective.

Western hangover cure, tomato
In Korea, we drink honey water the next day after drinking, but in the West, we usually drink a lot of tomato juice. Tomatoes, popular as hangover relievers in the West, are rich in lycopene, which has the effect of releasing alcohol and acetaldehyde. Rich in vitamin C along with lycopene, it protects the liver and relieves fatigue.

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