5 functional exercises to burn your abdominal fat

    By targeting the largest muscle groups in your upper and lower body and getting your heart rate up, you maximize calorie burn and create an oxygen debt to rev up your metabolism for hours. Grab a set of dumbbells and perform each exercise every minute, three times total. You will burn a lot of calories in just 15 minutes. Let’s uncover that six pack.

    5 exercises for chest, legs and shoulders that will burn your abdominal fat this summer

    1. Dumbbell skier swing: 1 set of 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest

    Start with a set that targets your glutes and core. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells at your sides, rotate at the hips to swing the weights behind you. Squeeze your glutes to push forward and stand tall, driving the weights up to your shoulders.

    Men’s Health US

    2. Dumbbell prisoner squat: 1 set of 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest

    From the same starting position, raise your arms behind your head. Keeping your torso upright, push your hips back and squat down. Pause, then push up through your heels and explosively return to your starting position. Do as much as you can for 45 seconds. (How to do squats well and the types that exist).


    Men’s Health US

    3. Dumbbell high pull: 1 set of 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest

    Now, target your entire body. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, push your hips back and slightly bend your knees, letting the dumbbells hang just below your knees. Stand up, lifting the weights to your shoulders. Reverse and repeat.

    high pull

    Men’s Health US

    4. Dumbbell devil press: 1 set of 45s, 15s rest

    Holding the dumbbells, rotate at the hips and lower your arms to the ground. He feet backwards in a plank. Complete a pushup and jump to your feet, swinging the weights over your head between your legs. Keep the momentum going as you go through your next rep.

    devil press

    Men’s Health US

    5. Dumbbell burpee: 1 set of 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest

    Place the dumbbells to the side and get into a plank position. Drop your chest to the floor and then push up to stand up before jumping sideways onto the dumbbells. Keep doing burpees, jumping from side to side. Make the most of the extra rest and do the circuit two more times. (How to do the perfect burpee step by step: gain strength and speed).


    Men’s Health US

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