5 profiles to learn investments with women

You already know that the month of March includes International Women’s Day, but what about the fact that there are more than one million women investors? According to the survey carried out by B3 in 2022, the total number rose from 825 thousand to 1,154 million women investing.

The bad part is that this represents only 23% of investors on the exchange. Another interesting number is that, according to the 2021 data from the National Treasury, women are investing more in fixed income, although they represent only 29.5%.

The number of women investors in Brazil has increased year after year and to show you that money is also a woman’s thing, we have separated five inspiring profiles for you to follow and learn more about finance. Let’s go?

What we will see in this article:

1 – Invest like a girl

The Instagram profile called “Invest like a girl” is focused on spreading knowledge about investments to other women. The idea is to show how to deal better with money and how this can contribute to achieving financial independence, something essential to make any dream come true.

2 – Nath Finance

Created and idealized by Nathália Rodrigues, the YouTube channel called “Nath Finance” fell in favor with the people when talking about financial education in an easy and cool way, especially for those who do not have much knowledge about the financial market. You can also follow the content on Instagram.

3 – We, women investors

The profile “We, women investors” talks about investments, behavior and the financial market. The idea is to attract more women and help them achieve financial independence. Check out the explanatory content on Instagram and also listen to podcasts on subjects such as: autonomy, career and budget.

4 – Me Doll!

Very popular among people and showing that money is a woman’s thing, “Me Poupe” was created by Nathália Arcuri and is one of the largest personal finance channels in the world. On the website, YouTube, Instagram and even in books, it is possible to read, perform investment simulations and have access to spreadsheets.

5 – Carol Dias

The former panicat always enjoyed learning every day and kept financial education at the tip of her tongue. Now, Carol Dias is an investor and has become a reference in the subject. Alongside her brother, she hosts a podcast and shows that women do know how to deal with the challenges of the financial market.

Don’t waste time and improve your knowledge, subscribe to our YouTube channel to explore the best investment opportunities on the market.

Got any questions? If you would like to know more investment alternatives, count on our advice! Contact us, we have a team prepared to help you!

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