5 things to avoid in your 20s and 30s to reduce your risk


  • Since 1990, the number of early-onset cancers diagnosed in adults under the age of 50 has increased dramatically worldwide.
  • Eating well and maintaining a healthy weight are two proven ways to reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

Today people born after 1990 are more likely to develop cancer before the age of 50 than any other generation before.

However, this sad reality is not inevitable since half of cancers are “preventable” recalls Sarah Allinson lecturer at the University of Lancaster, in an article published in The Conversation. Indeed, some behaviors adopted in early adulthood can increase the risk of developing cancer.

Tobacco and risky sexual practices can cause cancer

Among them, smoking, the main cause of lung cancer but also of 14 other cancers like that of the throat and the mouth: “If you want to dramatically reduce your risk of many types of cancer, don’t smoke – or quit if you do.”, says Sarah Allinson. Vaping, favored by young people, is not recommended either. L’OMS believes in fact that its harmfulness is not in doubt and that the long-term effects are not yet all known.

In second position, we find unprotected sexual relations which can cause infections such as HPV (human papillomavirus): “HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world and can cause a range of cancers, including of the cervix, penis, mouth and throat”, writes Sarah Allinson. It is all the more important to get vaccinated against HPV, open to both girls and boys since 2019, that HPV-associated cancers are particularly common in young people.

Food and exposure to the sun: beware of abuse!

Next come unhealthy eating habits, such as eating too much red meat and processed foods, which lead to risk of developing bowel and colorectal cancer. In addition, cancers associated with overweight or obesity that result from poor diet are increasingly common, especially among young adults.

Alcohol consumption is also cited since it increases the risk of developing several cancers, including liver, breast and esophagus: “Alcohol is the second most preventable cause of cancer death, responsible for 28,000 new cases each year.”, emphasizes theInstitut National du Cancer.

Finally, another risk factor is exposure to the sun without protection (hat, sunscreen, long clothing, etc.): “Skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in people under 40”, recalls Sarah Allinson. It has also become more common in recent decades due to global warming and hotter summers. which lead to an increase in cases of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer.

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