53. Vienna Municipal Council (9) | City vienna

2024-04-22 17:51:45

Accession of the City of Vienna, represented by the WiGev University Hospital AKH Vienna, as a member of the European Children’s Hospitals Organization (ECHO)

Vienna (OTS/RK) – GR Ing. Erol Holawatsch (ÖVP) talked about a trip to Berlin to a digitalization fair in the health system. He called this experience “sobering” because Vienna and Austria are “far behind” in telemedicine. Telemedicine means more service and security for patients. Unfortunately, says Holawatsch, there has been a failure to further develop the area since the Corona crisis. Especially given the problems with opening times, an opportunity is being missed. Holawatsch gave the example of a mother whose son got a fever at night. Many patients could receive adequate care at home. Holawatsch called for “early intervention” in health problems – not least in order to relieve the “overburdened health staff”. Holawatsch was convinced that if the “innovative opportunities on the market” were used, the health association could become a “showcase model”.

GR Christian Deutsch (SPÖ) said that improving patient care and improving research in the field of child health were ECHO’s goals. The joint search for solutions to acute challenges at the European level could be an important step. A key point for Deutsch is the collection of data on rare and serious illnesses in children. The collection of health data, which of course complies with data protection regulations, offers the opportunity to improve care. This data has “life-saving potential,” says Deutsch. The FPÖ “doesn’t want to know anything about it,” said Deutsch, alluding to the FPÖ’s request. Perhaps, says Deutsch, this is “not meant seriously”; after all, the entire health care system is “a disgrace” for the FPÖ. Deutsch was referring to statements by FPÖ ex-minister Hartinger-Klein, who, according to media reports, saw the billion patients as a “disgrace”. The pandemic has underlined the importance of a functioning municipal health system. There is a need for better data on ongoing issues such as “Long Covid” and ME/CFS, the chronic fatigue disease.

GR Wolfgang Seidl (FPÖ) submitted a motion on the subject of cannabis. The consumption of the substance is legalized in Germany. The motion was directed against any legalization of drugs and increased education about drugs in general and cannabis in particular.

GR Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Gara made it clear that Vienna was the first federal state with children’s primary care units, of which there are now six. Only then did the Federal Minister make adjustments accordingly. These also led to the first elective doctors deciding to return to the health insurance system in view of the good model. Therefore, many of the allegations made by GR Huemer (Greens) are “simply wrong”.

Vote: The contribution to ECHO was approved unanimously. A proposal from the Greens to set up a Long Covid clinic was unanimously assigned to the responsible committee. The opposition’s other motions did not receive the necessary majority.

Determination of tariffs from May 1, 2024 for vaccination services provided by the City of Vienna Health Service, analogous to the outpatient fees for vaccination services provided by the Favoriten Clinic

GR Dr. Michael Gorlitzer, MBA (ÖVP) spoke about the measles infection rate. This infectious disease has been suppressed thanks to vaccination. The vaccine, a combination vaccine with mumps and rubella, is recommended for the first year; the aim is for a vaccination rate of 95 percent. In Austria, not enough children are adequately vaccinated – around 50,000 of children aged two to nine. Measles has a high complication rate – life-threatening meningitis is possible. The vaccination skepticism in Austria, which, according to Gorlitzer, is being fueled by parties like the FPÖ, is dangerous. Normally there are 20 cases of measles per year – this year almost twenty times that number have been recorded. Gorlitzer called a vaccination bus in front of the university good, but that would miss the “target group”, as the vaccination rate is already higher in groups of people with higher education. An awareness campaign is important. The measles vaccination provides protection for life. Gorlitzer said a free antibody test for people over 50 makes sense because they are often not sure whether they have been vaccinated. Gorlitzer introduced two motions, one for a stronger educational campaign and another for a free antibody test for people over 50.

Vote: The tariffs were unanimously approved. A motion from the ÖVP for an information campaign about measles infection was unanimously assigned to the Health Committee. A motion from the ÖVP for a free antibody test for people over 50 was unanimously assigned to the health committee. The other motions did not receive the necessary majority.

The public part of the 53rd meeting of the Vienna City Council ended at 5:29 p.m.


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