5G in Brazil: 3.5 GHz band will be released to an additional 212 municipalities; see the list

2023-09-14 13:40:00

The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) announced this week the release of the 5G network in its 3.5 GHz band for another 212 Brazilian municipalities starting on September 18th. With this, the number of suitable cities reaches 2,024.

According to the municipality, the population of these more than 2 thousand municipalities totals 151 million Brazilians, where around 71% of the country’s population lives, representing 82% of GDP. By 2026, all 5,570 Brazilian municipalities will be served.

It is worth mentioning that the release of the 3.5 GHz band of 5G does not mean that the network is already available in new cities, but rather that operators can now distribute the service. Therefore, now, connection availability depends solely on the providers.

The 3.5 GHz Band Administrative Entity (EAF) also stated that it has already brought forward the vacancy of the 1,482 professional satellite stations registered with Anatel by more than two years so that the 5G release process continues to accelerate.

06 Set

04 Set

Another point highlighted by Siga Antenado was the free installation of one million kits with the new digital satellite dish across the country for families enrolled in the Federal Government’s CadÚnico program. The step is essential for releasing the 5G band.

The new municipalities are located in six states, including:

ES: 5
MG: 14
PR: 110
RJ: 18
RS: 55
SC: 10

Check out the list of 212 municipalities released:

UF Municipality ES Colatina ES Jaguaré ES Linhares ES Marilândia ES São Mateus MG Araxá MG Bela Vista de Minas MG Itabira MG João Monlevade MG Nova Era MG Rio Piracicaba MG Ituiutaba MG Lavras MG Muriaé MG Nova Serrana MG Patos de Minas MG Teófilo Otoni MG Ubá PR Umuarama RJ Itaperuna RJ Aperibé RJ Cantagalo RJ Carmo RJ Duas Barras RJ Itaocara RJ Laje do Muriaé RJ Miracema RJ Paraíba do Sul RJ Santo Antônio de Pádua RJ São Fidélis RJ Sapucaia RJ Sumidouro RJ Três Rios RJ Vassouras RJ Natividade RJ Porciúncula RJ Varre-Sai RS Bagé RS Barão de Cotegipe RS Erebango RS Erechim RS Estação RS Getúlio Vargas RS Ipiranga do Sul RS Paulo Bento RS Quatro Irmãos RS Sertão RS Benjamin Constant do Sul RS Entre Rios do Sul RS Erval Grande RS Faxinalzinho RS Gramado dos Loureiros RS Nonoai RS Planalto RS Rio dos Índios RS Boqueirão do Leão RS Cachoeira do Sul RS Candelária RS Canudos do Vale RS Capitão RS Cerro Branco RS Coqueiro Baixo RS Fontoura Xavier RS ​​Forquetinha RS Gramado Xavier RS ​​Herveiras RS Lajeado RS Marques de Souza RS Mato Leitão RS Nova Bréscia RS Novo Cabrais RS Pantano Grande RS Passa Sete RS Passo do Sobrado RS Pouso Novo RS Progresso RS Turf RS Rio Pardo RS Santa Clara do Sul RS Santa Cruz do Sul RS São José do Herval RS Segredo RS Seriously RS Sinimbu RS Travesseiro RS Vale do Sol RS Vale Verde RS Venâncio Aires RS Vera Cruz RS Camaquã RS Canguçu RS São Lourenço do Sul SC Entre Rios SC Jardinópolis SC Nova Erechim SC Pinhalzinho SC Quilombo SC São Carlos SC Saudades SC Serra Alta SC Sul Brasil SC União do Oeste PR Altamira do Paraná PR Anahy PR Campina da Lagoa PR Diamante do Sul PR Espigão Alto do Iguaçu PR Formosa do Oeste PR Guaraniaçu PR Ibema PR Iguatu PR Iracema do Oeste PR Jesuítas PR Nova Aurora PR Nova Cantu PR Nova Laranjeiras PR Quarto Centenário PR Rancho Alegre D’Oeste PR Ubiratã PR Alto Paraná PR Barbosa Ferraz PR Borrazópolis PR Cruzeiro do Sul PR Cruzmaltina PR Engenheiro Beltrão PR Faxinal PR Fênix PR Floraí PR Japurá PR Jussara PR Nova Esperança PR Peabiru PR Presidente Castelo Branco PR Quinta do Sol PR São Carlos do Ivaí PR São João do Ivaí PR São Jorge do Ivaí PR São Tomé PR Terra Boa PR Antônio Olinto PR Bituruna PR Boa Ventura de São Roque PR Campina do Simão PR Cândido de Abreu PR Candói PR Cantagalo PR Cruz Machado PR Fernandes Pinheiro PR Foz do Jordão PR General Carneiro PR Goioxim PR Guamiranga PR Imbaú PR Imbituva PR Inácio Martins PR Irati PR Ivaí PR Mallet PR Marquinho PR Palmeira PR Paula Freitas PR Paulo Frontin PR Porto Vitória PR Prudentópolis PR Rebouças PR Reserva PR Reserva do Iguaçu PR Rio Azul PR Santa Maria do Oeste PR São João do Triunfo PR São Mateus do Sul PR Turvo PR União da Vitória PR Virmond PR Arapoti PR Castro PR Curiúva PR Figueira PR Jaguariaíva PR Piraí do Sul PR Sapopema PR Sengés PR Ventania PR Boa Esperança do Iguaçu PR Capanema PR Capitão Leônidas Marques PR Céu Azul PR Cruzeiro do Iguaçu PR Diamante D’Oeste PR Matelândia PR Medianeira PR Missal PR Nova Prata do Iguaçu PR Ouro Verde do Oeste PR Planalto PR Ramilândia PR Realeza PR Salto do Lontra PR Santa Helena PR Santa Izabel do Oeste PR São Jorge d’Oeste PR São Pedro do Iguaçu PR Serranópolis do Iguaçu PR Três Barras do Paraná PR Vera Cruz do Oeste PR Cambará PR Itaguajé PR Jardim Olinda PR Paranapoema PR Leópolis PR Maripá MG Santa Rita do Sapucaí

See also

#Brazil #GHz #band #released #additional #municipalities #list

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