7 common mistakes in personal hygiene habits

Sharing personal hygiene items is an unhygienic habit (Getty)

Most people learn how to take care of their bodies early in their lives, but many make seemingly simple mistakes while doing habits. personal cleanlinesslike the way Cleaning teethor Cut nailsAnd some of them can be a direct cause of diseases that can be prevented by following the right methods. Here are 7 tips that Style Crazes detail:

  • Leave your nails a little long when you cut them

Some believe that short nails are necessary for personal hygiene, while very short nails, especially toenails, may lead to problems in the surrounding skin, and increase the growth of bacteria. If you feel pain in the feet when walking or jogging, the reason may be the way the nails are clipped, and excessively clipping the toenails may cause painful injuries.

Many people pay attention to dental hygiene, but some do not know the correct cleaning method, which requires choosing the appropriate toothbrush as well as the appropriate cleaning paste, and following a horizontal cleaning method, from top to bottom, and vice versa. Many also do not realize the importance of changing the toothbrush periodically, as doctors advise The period of use of the brush shall not exceed three months.

  • Do not use a facial scrub daily

It is true that facial exfoliation removes dead skin cells, cleans it deeply, and gives a person smooth and pure skin, but it is not healthy to practice it daily, as frequent exfoliation can cause more harm than good, irritating the skin, or infecting the face with infections that make it appear more red.

  • Ear cleaning sticks

Ears are among the self-cleaning organs, and they don’t require special cleaning, so putting anything inside your ears to remove earwax is a bad idea. Wax is a substance produced by the ear to keep it moist, and also to trap impurities, which means that it performs a protective function, and the main reason why it forms a blockage is to push it inside with sticks, or something else. If you want to remove the accumulated earwax, you should seek the help of a doctor, the use of sticks can sometimes cause the eardrum to rupture.

  • Do not share personal hygiene items

Its name is “personal hygiene tools”, and therefore sharing it with others is not logical, nor healthy, as most of these tools come into contact with the skin or become contaminated with blood, and thus can transmit infections, or bacteria, even if they are daily cosmetics.

  • You should shower immediately after perspiring

Exercising is essential to maintaining good health, but be aware that relaxing in your sweaty clothes after exercising or jogging means that bacteria get more time to stay on your skin, and sweat-drenched clothes can irritate your skin. Take a shower as soon as you’re done exercising, and if that’s not possible, change into clean clothes.

  • Make sure to clean the phone and the remote control

Some of the tools that you use daily, you should include in your personal hygiene routine, such as mobile phone, home phone, remote control, litter box cover, light switches, etc., these things are usually exposed to bacteria, and some types of bacteria, such as the seasonal influenza virus, are capable of They can survive for about 48 hours and can infect you, so you need to clean these things frequently.

(Salama Abdel Hamid)

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