7 signs that you are eating a lot of sugar!

Consumed since childhood and its presence in most of the foods we eat, sugar leads to physical and psychological addiction.

Everyone knows the harm caused by eating too much sugar, but be aware that not all sugars are created equal. So it can be divided into two groups:

* slow sugarSuch as grains, starches and legumes, and they must be eaten in reasonable quantities, because they are necessary for our nutritional balance.

* sugar fastIt comes from sweets, soft drinks, chocolate, and pastries. In the event that it is consumed in abundance, and permanently, it can harm our health. Excess sugar may have negative effects and lead to many health problems, including weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and nerve, vision or kidney damage.

The American Heart Association and the World Health Organization both recommend no more than 25 grams (six teaspoons) a day of added sugar for women, and 36 grams (nine teaspoons) a day for men.

Beware hidden sugar

The problem is that most of the sugar we eat is hidden, found in processed foods. For example: a tablespoon of ketchup contains 4 grams of free sugars, while a can of soda contains 40 grams of sugar, or 10 teaspoons.

Ultra-processed foods, meaning foods with added flavors, colors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, and other food additives, contribute to about 90% of our sugar intake. A diet high in sugar can raise blood sugar, which promotes the appearance of free radicals and compounds that promote inflammation.

What are the signs that you are eating too much sugar?

1- Weight gain:

If the consumed sugar is not burned from the body (through physical activity, for example), it enters the cells and is stored as fat, causing weight gain.

2- Migraine:

A sudden increase in blood sugar levels can cause some disorders, including migraine headaches.

3- Tooth decay

Excess consumption of sweets leads to the production of bacteria in the mouth; They convert sugar into substances that attack tooth enamel, thus increasing the risk of cavities.

4- Oily skin and frequent pimples

The more we consume sugar, the higher the insulin level, which leads to stimulating the secretion of sebum, which means oily skin, and visible pimples.

5- Mood fraud

Eating sweets and chocolate in excess leads to a difference in the level of sugar in the blood; As a result of rising and falling, this leads to mood swings.

6- Craving for sweets

If you crave sweets, you may be addicted to the good effects of sugar on your brain, because sugar targets the brain’s pleasure center, causing a spike in the so-called “happy hormone” dopamine.

7- Hormonal imbalance

Gland disorders, unpleasant symptoms of menopause, early puberty, there are many manifestations of hormonal imbalance. Eating foods rich in sugar promotes these disorders.

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